
🪨 Not the spot with the most available lines, but there is still alot to discover. In general a very popular area for hiking, and the elementary school also utilizes the area.

Be especially aware of the sector Skytebanen and Spiret. These should never be climbed when the shooting range is active. Look for a hoisted red bouy that indicates if the range is active or not.

The climbs range from 3 to the hardest current project estimated at 6C.

👪 The area is frequented by families, hikers and others all year around. Show courtesy when hiking and climing in the area. Bring your own litter with you as there are no official disposals on the mountain.


FA and established routes since 2022. But the area has been frequented by the locals since Kaiskuru was populated.

Routes on Losvarkollen
19 boulder 3 Likes
Premium topo by Kaiskuru
Torgrim Dahl
from Alta
Martin Andreas
from Alta
Bjørnulf Håkenrud
from Alta, Norway