UNLOCK Louruvuori Premium

UNLOCK Louruvuori Premium

With Louruvuori Premium you get:

  • 52 climbing routes with detailed descriptions
  • 30 high quality topo images
  • 8 sectors with extra details
  • Unlimited access to all the other 3960 Premium crags around the world
  • Offline mode: Use topos even when there's no Internet connection
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The area is access sensitive!

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Maanomistajan kanssa on sovittu, että kallioille saa tulla kiipeämään. Hän on kuitenkin tarkka alueellansa liikkumisesta ja toivoo, että kiipeilijät jättäisivät autoilleen lapun, jossa selvästi lukee, että he ovat tulleet alueelle kiipeämään.

It has been agreed with the landowner that you can come to the cliffs. However, he is careful about moving around his area and hopes that climbers will leave a tag on their cars that clearly states that they have come to the area to climb.