Sterk i trua
Sterk i trua 1 / 7
  • Easy moves but high! (~6m)
  • Easy until topout which is slightly tricky. High! Spotters and multiple pads recommended.
Sterk i trua
Sterk i trua 2 / 7
  • Traverse left along edge. Go around the corner to good hold and mantle up.
Sterk i trua
Sterk i trua 3 / 7
  • Start on "nose" (good handhold), traverse right past crack and top out.
  • Straight up, nice and easy.
  • Follow crack/rail, easy mantle on top.
  • Start to the right of the crack. Move slightly right and top out with easy mantle.
Sterk i trua
Sterk i trua 4 / 7
  • Straight up slab, starting with right hand on rounded corner.
  • Start on the right side of the wall with some good sidepulls, move up and top out to the left.
Sterk i trua
Sterk i trua 5 / 7
  • Sit start. Follow vertical cracks halfway up, go slightly right on good holds, mantle up.
  • Straight up on good holds. Slightly tricky mantle on top.
  • Follow dihedral to top. This is also probably the easiest way down from the boulder.
Sterk i trua
Sterk i trua 6 / 7
  • Straight up the big flake on the slabby section of the boulder.
  • Start on the left side, with left hand on incut (part of "Meridian"). Traverse right and up via crimps.
  • Both sit and stand start possible. Move up vertical face via sharp crimps. High, with somewhat slanting ground below. Cool line! Around 6B?
Sterk i trua
Sterk i trua 7 / 7
  • Smaller boulder slightly below the main area. Start with hands on "bulb", traverse left and around before topping out. Around 6A?
Lund (nord)

The area is access sensitive!

There is no established parking for this crag, but it may be possible to park on the side of the gravel road, for example by the yellow smiley sign. Take care not to block the road and not damage any agricultural fields. Follow the gravel road until you reach a cluster of birch trees. Here you head towards the crag (boulders visible on the mountain side). Cross a small stream, and walk along the edge of a disused agricultural field (generally, always walk along the edges of fields, not across them). There is no established path to the boulders, so at the end of the field, try to find your way as best as you can (it's not far).