The Rock type in Mühlau is a Conglomerate, a sedementary rock with small and large pebbles as inclusions. A bit more brittle than other rock types yet also quite feature rich. The pebbles do break out sometimes and leave behind nice rounded pockets to climb on.
Climbing is mostly on pockets and crimps. There are some very steep and long overhangs but also some easier slabby to vertical climbing. The lead routes are mostly found on the west side of the creek.
The Mühlau Klamm is generally quite beautiful with a nice creek with waterfalls running through it. Just hiking trough this crag is worth it.


The Crag was established by loads of different climbers here are just a few: D. Peis, M. Mayr, M. Zach, C. Prager, W. Gürtler, R. Gutmann, W. Sommer, G. Hörhager, W. Ugalarik and many more.
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