
Muurankangas is a small bouldering area in the beautiful conifer forests of western Lempäälä. It currently consists of three boulders in close proximity to the Kalliojärventie. The approach to each boulder is short and many of the problems are quite nice in their grade. A trip to Muurankangas can also be combined with a visit to the nearby Velhokivi boulders.

This part of the Kalliojärventie is quite narrow with only a few places to overtake larger vehicles. Please park your car so that you don't disturb other traffic. The landowner supports recreational use of their land but grants access on a yearly basis only. It is therefore also easy to lose this privilege.

Routes on Muurankangas
25 boulder 6 Likes
Premium topo by Muurankangas team
Jussi Lyytinen
from Tampere
Jyrki Luumi
from Tampere, Finland