The area is access sensitive
Start from riksvei 7 from Gol towards Geilo. Ca. 100 meters after the 80 km sign at Rotneim, you will find a small rusty sign, "Hullet" turn right there, and park straight after. There is a private p... Read more
Activities on this crag
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The area is access sensitive!
Start from riksvei 7 from Gol towards Geilo. Ca. 100 meters after the 80 km sign at Rotneim, you will find a small rusty sign, "Hullet" turn right there, and park straight after.
There is a private property at the end of the road, show consideration to the people living there. Walk up the gravel road and turn right up the small path before walking into their property. Follow the path past a small shed under the electric line, until you arrive at at a sign saying, "Solveggen" where you can choose which part of the crag you want to climb at.