Fox's move thumbnail
Fox's move
6C Boulder at Forest Wall
Rabbit's move thumbnail
Rabbit's move
6B Boulder at Forest Wall
Silent reach thumbnail
Silent reach
6B Boulder at Forest Wall
Vartti vertti thumbnail
Vartti vertti
6B Boulder at Forest Wall
Bigger than itself thumbnail
No topo image available
Swäbi ss
6A+ Boulder at Forest Wall
Kohti Venusta thumbnail
Kohti Venusta
6A+ Boulder at Forest Wall
Outbreath thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Forest Wall
Scramble thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Forest Wall
Hyvinkään ass munch thumbnail
Swäbi thumbnail
5 Boulder at Forest Wall
Hytkyvä maha thumbnail
Hytkyvä maha
4 Boulder at Forest Wall

The area is access sensitive!

Yksityistie. Älä tuki pääsyä pelloille. Lähemmille parkkipaikoille mahtuu 2-3 autoa. Älä pysäköi puomillisen risteysen kohdalle.

Private road. Don't block access to the fields. Closer parking places have space for 2-3 cars. Don't park next to the road with the gate.