
5 sport 91 trad 2 boulder

The area is access sensitive

Olhavanvuori is situated in the Repovesi National Park. Finnish Climbing Association has good co-operation with the park admistration and we like to keep it that way. Please act politely! Take your tra... Read more

We like Olhava

What a beautiful crag! A must visit for Trad climbers. The 3 km approach isn't too bad if you take a bicycle along. The climbing is sublime, nice routes for all levels.
Lovely unique spot. Kantti is a world-class route.
The home of many classic trad routes. Beautiful scenery and camping below the crag. Rather long approach from the parking place. Arguably the best climbing in Finland

Activities on this crag

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The area is access sensitive!

Olhavanvuori is situated in the Repovesi National Park. Finnish Climbing Association has good co-operation with the park admistration and we like to keep it that way. Please act politely! Take your trash and all other trash with you!

The walk-in is shortest from the north parking (Saarijärvi). It takes about 30 minutes on good roads. There's a well near the climbing site where you get water for cooking. Sometimes the bacteria can be too high for drinking, though. If the trash bins on park entrances are full or locked take your trash with you back to civilization.

During the summer of 2024 there will be a train stopping in Hillosensalmi station from 27.4. to 26.10.2024. From the trainstation there should be a Kouvola city bus 15B to Lapinsalmi parking from where it's about 6,1 km of walking. It's also possible to take a boat taxi from Hillosensalmi directly to Karhulahti which reduces the walking to 15 mins or so (Seikkailuviikari and Kuutinkolo, about 50€ each way).

IC 63 Helsinki 8.19 – Hillosensalmi 10.13 - Kuopio 12.29
IC 68 Kuopio 14.20– Hillosensalmi 16.42 - Helsinki 18.40

During spring and summer many birds nest in Olhava.

- Raven (korppi, Corvus corax) is known to nest between routes Puntari and Sammalränni. If you see a raven nesting here or somewhere else, please climb other routes.

- Kaakkuri (Gavia stellata) is known to have a nest in the middle of the Olhavanlampi pond on her own small little island. If you're a bad sleeper, please use earplugs. Kaakkuri is sometimes giving loud sounds during the morning hours and she has every right to do so! This is her territory.

There's a climbers boat courtesy of Finnish Climbing Association. You may use it as long as you don't break it. If you need to climb beyond sector Laatta (ie. Stradarotta or Tulenarkaa sectors), please walk the path from above. On good summer days the boat has high demand for pendeling between the shore and the Laatta island.