No special access issues
🚶♂️ 🇬🇧From the Pretura's square in Finalborgo go on tha paved road to Castel S. Giovanni following the two red dots as waymark. Before the Castel at the right bend take the track on the left side, aft... Read more
Activities on this crag
- Ivano Vigo • 3 months agoupdated his or her tick list- Il Labirinto 6a
- N.2 Gufo Grigio 5+
- N:3 Kriminal 6a
- N.10 Kabrat 6a - Stephan Jobke • 4 months agoupdated his tick list- Ich habe einen Bandwurm 6a
- Tira dritto furbacchione 6b
- Sgrillettami 6a+
- Medcamalia 6b
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