The area is access sensitive
Warning: Muggings have occurred here Warning: Many cars have been broken into here. How to get there Go over Ou Kaapse Weg and descend towards Noordhoek until you reach a 4-way crossing. The crossroad... Read more
Activities on this crag
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The area is access sensitive!
Warning: Muggings have occurred here
Warning: Many cars have been broken into here.
How to get there
Go over Ou Kaapse Weg and descend towards Noordhoek until you reach a 4-way crossing. The crossroad is Silvermine Road. It is better to turn right here and park near Silvermine Village on the left. This way your car won’t get broken into. If you feel invincible, then go over the 4-way crossing and park in the gravel parking lot on your left after the next bend.
Warning: Many cars have been broken into here.
From the safe parking walk about 15 minutes to reach the dodgy parking area. From here follow the sandy track on the left side of the parking area. This path winds its way to the crag.