
Main season is late autumn and winter. If it's not too hot, spring as well. The long south-west facing walls of "Student" are ideal on sunny winter days. In summer only time is early morning where you won't get toasted.

"Student" dries very fast after rain but doesn't offer any rain proof routes. After long rain periods a few parts of the wall soak. not too bad. The other sectors are not that good.

Flagship is "Student" with its super long endurance test pieces. Beside some really old school climbing routes you find quite new routes with athletic technical climbing in vertical or slightly overhanging terrain

The base of "Student" is quite flat and access is not too far. But aware of rock falls.

All along the River "Pegnitz" you find good restaurants and beer gardens. In Velden is an excellent cafe with cakes. Little shoppings can be done here as well. Accommodation is all around. If you want to stay in a yurt in awesome community go to velden.

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Routes on Pegnitztal - Enzendorf
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