Miami, beach
Miami, beach 1 / 2
  • Translation Swedish to english: "A pale swede on holiday" The best line on the bloc. Stand start and top out to the left. Felt pretty hard the first time, but it got better, 5/5+ soft ish?
  • Much easier then the left version, but decenr none the least. Translation: What did you say, göran?
  • No eliminations, both blocs are in. Climb through the hole, and find peace when you're done with mayhem. Start like darkseid, and top out in "En blek svenne på semester"
  • Sit start, short boulder and a top out. Never tried it, so a project it is. Open, like everyother project at this crag-
Miami, beach
Miami, beach 2 / 2
  • Climb straight up on good edges.
  • Start as Mr. sunnyside, but top out to the right.
  • Hardest one here. Start with LH on a decent crimp in the roof and RH on a slopey hold. The rock on the left side is eliminated. I cant remember if this one was a sit or an assis, so try a hunch start or stand start first. Uncertain about the grade, it is a hard topout. Good luck have fun!
  • Fun Fun (;
  • No eliminations, both blocs are in. Climb through the hole, and find peace when you're done with mayhem. Start like darkseid, and top out in "En blek svenne på semester"
Pirate park

The area is access sensitive!

The park is only for kids. But if you happen to have one of those, you can climb here anytime.