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6b Sport at Pitztalerwand
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6b Sport at Pitztalerwand
Moosige Platte thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

please leave the forest one hour before sunset because of wild life

The three sectors are spread along the valley "Pitztal", 500 meters north of "Obertrubach". Drive from "Obertrubach" north towards "Gößweinstein". Park on the hiking parking on the right just 300 meters after "Obertrubach".

Follow the hiking trail northwards into the valley and follow the track for 350 meters. Where another hiking trail keeps left towards "Bärnfels" take that trail but on the right bank behind the hedge. As soon as you reach the forest go straight up the hillside. The sector is 100 meters in front of you upon the hill.

Follow the hiking trail northwards into the valley and follow the track for 880 meters staying in the valley's ground. After 880 meters keep left onto the Trail signed with a red heart. After 100 meters there's a information board on the right. Go ahead for further 30 meters and take a path to your right leading along the ridge towards the wall.

Follow the hiking trail northwards into the valley and follow the track for 1.2 km. You get on a forest road wich one you have to follow for further 350 meters. Then take the left big forest road up the hill (black circle sign).
After a right bend (4km sign) go up the hill on an old aisle