Varhany války  thumbnail
Varhany války
8A Boulder at Central
Triumph of the will thumbnail
Project thumbnail
8A Boulder at Central
Black sun project thumbnail
Black sun project
8A Boulder at Central
Skrewdriver  thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Central
Utopia thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Central
Fallen giant thumbnail
Fallen giant
7C+ Boulder at Central
Road to Valhalla thumbnail
Road to Valhalla
7C+ Boulder at Central
Todesritter thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Todesritter
Krize středního věku  thumbnail
První sníh thumbnail
První sníh
7C Boulder at První sníh
Monolit thumbnail
7C Boulder at Monolit
Vichr z hor thumbnail
Vichr z hor
7C Boulder at Central
Špinavá bota thumbnail
Triangl thumbnail
7C Boulder at Triangl
Bukový étos direct thumbnail
Ledová hrana thumbnail
BDTR thumbnail
7C Boulder at BDTR
Lijavec thumbnail
7C Boulder at Central
U cesty thumbnail
U cesty
7C Boulder at Central
Projekt thumbnail
Bukový étos thumbnail
Bukový étos
7B+ Boulder at Bukový étos
Šibenice thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Central
Bochník thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Bochník
Lilie thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Central
Jeskyňka thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Jeskyňka
Návrat direct thumbnail
Návrat direct
7B+ Boulder at Central
Tribute to Ian thumbnail
Tribute to Ian
7B+ Boulder at Central
Jarní tání thumbnail
Na přídi thumbnail
Confident of Victory thumbnail
Aurora thumbnail
7B Boulder at Aurora
Tajemství axonometrie thumbnail
Návrat krále  thumbnail
Návrat krále
7B Boulder at Central
Potopa thumbnail
7B Boulder at Central
Strong survive thumbnail
Strong survive
7B Boulder at Central
Ztracené artefakty thumbnail
Ztracené artefakty
7B Boulder at Gorila
Cut loose thumbnail
Cut loose
7B Boulder at Pomsta
Parůžky thumbnail
7B Boulder at Parůžky
Ohniště thumbnail
7B Boulder at Monolit
Mlha se zvedá  thumbnail
Jack a Rozárka thumbnail
Jack a Rozárka
7B Boulder at Central
Sám doma  thumbnail
Sám doma
7B Boulder at Sám doma
Nazgûl thumbnail
7B Boulder at Nazgûl
Sniper thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Sniper
Jarní Tání Light thumbnail
Heart of Granite thumbnail
Cigaretka thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Cigaretka
Na hranici thumbnail
Na hranici
7A+ Boulder at Na hranici
V krvi a víře thumbnail
V krvi a víře
7A+ Boulder at Central
Ztracená Atlantida thumbnail
Ztracená Atlantida
7A+ Boulder at Central
Pantheon thumbnail
Svatá mládež thumbnail
Svatá mládež
7A+ Boulder at Central
Babí léto thumbnail
Babí léto
7A Boulder at Babí léto
Dneska to jelo thumbnail
Dneska to jelo
7A Boulder at Central
Zamlada thumbnail
7A Boulder at Central
Ořechová Stezka thumbnail
Ořechová Stezka
7A Boulder at Gorila
Kolaborant thumbnail
7A Boulder at Central
Podsvinče thumbnail
7A Boulder at Podsvinče
Campus It! thumbnail
Campus It!
7A Boulder at Campus It!
Rudý baron thumbnail
Rudý baron
7A Boulder at Central
Oříšková Fakta thumbnail
Oříšková Fakta
7A Boulder at Gorila
Leháro thumbnail
7A Boulder at Larva
...zdvih... thumbnail
7A Boulder at Zdvih
Shybovačka thumbnail
7A Boulder at Shybovačka
Patriot thumbnail
7A Boulder at Monolit
Pomsta thumbnail
7A Boulder at Pomsta
Beruška thumbnail
7A Boulder at Beruška
Mozek thumbnail
7A Boulder at Central
Briliant thumbnail
7A Boulder at Central
Pod mechem  thumbnail
Pod mechem
7A Boulder at Central
Barvy podzimu  thumbnail
Barvy podzimu
7A Boulder at Central
Vinterkald thumbnail
7A Boulder at Central
No topo image available
Projekt thumbnail
7A Boulder at Central
Nazgûl light thumbnail
Nazgûl light
7A Boulder at Nazgûl
Pod Čarostřelcem thumbnail
Pod Čarostřelcem
6C+ Boulder at Central
Štvanice thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Štvanice
Za světlem thumbnail
Black metal thumbnail
Black metal
6C+ Boulder at Central
2 koťata thumbnail
2 koťata
6C+ Boulder at Central
Intermezzo  thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Náhoda
Kolaborantova hrana  thumbnail
Larva thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Larva
Rajbas thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Rajbas
Rockwell thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Rockwell
Antracit thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Antracit
Bystřina thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Bystřina
Pochodeň thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Monolit
66 thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Štvanice
Zapálený lejtka  thumbnail
Klouzačka thumbnail
6C Boulder at Central
Pán much thumbnail
Pán much
6C Boulder at Central
Sevření štěrbiny thumbnail
Past vedle pasti thumbnail
Past vedle pasti
6C Boulder at Central
Vyhlídka  thumbnail
6C Boulder at Náhoda
Hambisek thumbnail
6C Boulder at Na hranici
Takové normální dynamko thumbnail
Aura minulosti thumbnail
Ztracený šíp thumbnail
Ztracený šíp
6C Boulder at Na hranici
Pod Štolpichem

Climbing has been limited!

Access from parking to boulders is approximately 10 minutes.
Climbing in Jizerske hory is regulated by order no.200/1999 and consequently OOP no. 4/2021.

Important is that there are two types of area within Jizerske hory where climbing is limited.

1) Area (highlighted in red in attached map) where climbing is fully prohibited (you cannot leave marked paths and trails) except directly named traditional crags. List of crags where climbing is allowed is in annex of OOP no.4/2021.
2) Area (highlighted in pink in attached map) where climbing (according definition stated hereinafter ) is allowed on any rock objects.
3) In other areas only general restrictions of nature protection rules has to be adhered.

Within the regulations mentioned hereinbefore for areas 1) and 2) by climbing is understood only sport climbing with optional use of fixed or temporary belaying points. Chalk is allowed from grade VIIIB of Jizerska classification scale (approximately relates to 6C+/7A Fb. class. – check the attached chart).
Bouldering according following definition is not allowed neither in area 2) (where you can outside of marked paths and trails). Bouldering for purpose of OOP no.4/2021 is defined as a climbing on rocks with lower height with use of bouldering pad / crash pad for safety purposes. Purely sport aspect of climbing is accented in relatively safe conditions, climber aims for most difficult ascent from sport physical point of view.