
Graal: Ideal period: Winter, autumn and spring. Thanks to low temperatures and dry weather the rock is dry in this period: perfect friction conditions. Graal: this area in the shadows during winter and during summer there’s sunlight only in the morning. It’s possible to climb in the whole area even during the summer, but it’s better to wait the late afternoon (after 5 p.m..)
Rock type:
Good friction, compact rock, several types of holds (slopers to flat tops

Druidi alto:
it is the highest sector in the "Potala" area. In the morning it is always exposed to the sun, it is located three minutes from the parking lot.

"Antro dei druidi" is the largest sector, the first blocks are two minutes from the parking lot.
Ideal period:
Winter, autumn and spring. Thanks to low temperatures and dry weather the rock is dry in this period: perfect friction conditions. Graal: this area in the shadows during winter and during summer there’s sunlight only in the morning. Terra di Mezzo, Dimora degli Elfi, Druidi basso and Antro dei Druidi: sunlight during the morning and shadows in the afternoon, both in winter and in summer. Druidi alto, Baby Druidi: sunlight during the morning and early afternoon, ideal in very cold weather. It’s possible to climb in the whole area even during the summer, but it’s better to wait the late afternoon (after 5 p.m..)
Rock type:
Good friction, compact rock, several types of holds (slopers to flat tops).

Baby Druidi:
Baby Druidi sector has many bouldering routes for children.
Ideal period:
Winter, autumn and spring. Thanks to low temperatures and dry weather the rock is dry in this period: perfect friction conditions.
Sunlight during the morning and early afternoon, ideal in very cold weather.
Rock type:
Good friction, compact rock, several types of holds (slopers to flat tops).

Druidi Basso:
Rock type: Good friction, compact rock, several types of holds (slopers to flat tops).
Suitable for everybody, even non-climbers or children. The whole area of Potala is situated on a private property and for this reason it is absolutely fundamental to respect the environment. The owners of the area allow us access as long as there’s no damage.
Ideal period:
Winter, autumn and spring. Thanks to low temperatures and dry weather the rock is dry in this period: perfect friction conditions
Druidi basso : sunlight during the morning and shadows in the afternoon, both in winter and in summer.

Dimora degli Elfi:
Good friction, compact rock, several types of holds (slopers to flat tops).
Suitable for everybody, even non-climbers or children. The whole area of Potala is situated on a private property and for this reason it is absolutely fundamental to respect the environment. The owners of the area allow us access as long as there’s no damage
Ideal period:
Winter, autumn and spring. Thanks to low temperatures and dry weather the rock is dry in this period: perfect friction conditions.
Sunlight during the morning and shadows in the afternoon, both in winter and in summer.

Terra di mezzo:
Ideal period:
Winter, autumn and spring. Thanks to low temperatures and dry weather the rock is dry in this period: perfect friction conditions.
Terra di Mezzo: sunlight during the morning and shadows in the afternoon, both in winter and in summer. Ideal in very cold weather. It’s possible to climb in the whole area even during the summer, but it’s better to wait the late afternoon (after 5 p.m..)
Rock type:
Good friction, compact rock, several types of holds (slopers to flat tops).
Suitable for everybody, even non-climbers or children. The whole area of Potala is situated on a private property and for this reason it is absolutely fundamental to respect the environment. The owners of the area allow us access as long as there’s no damage.

Tana del Tasso:
A large overhang protected by a roof higher up and a high stone wall, the position allows you to climb even when it rains heavily, it is always protected. - Height 250 mt. - Boulder "Tasso killer" and "Multiplo di zero never take sun, boulder "Re scorpione" in the morning. - Very comfortable and child-friendly place. - If it is very cloudy bring a lamp for the B side, it's dark inside. - Private land.
The badger lair was discovered in 2015.

The "Piccola area" is one of the last areas is located immediately below "L'antro dei druidi" along the stream.Sun from morning until early afternoon, there is the possibility of swimming in the beautiful nearby ponds in the summer.
Rock type:
Good friction, compact rock, several types of holds (slopers to flat tops).
Ideal period:
Winter, autumn and spring. Thanks to low temperatures and dry weather the rock is dry in this period: perfect friction conditions


Potala is the biggest sector in the bouldering area in Varazze, it extends all along the riverside and it has been divided into nine sectors.
Every sector has its parking area, from the first sector you reach going up, Graal, to the main sector where you can park in two different areas depending on the chosen bouldering site. Furthermore there’s a path crossing the whole area (10’ walk), from the parking area near the Antro dei Druidi to the sector Terra di mezzo. In the areas there are many bouldering problems for all climbing styles, the bases of the boulders are often clean and flat and during the summer even non-climbers can have a great time in this area, especially in the sector Dimora degli Elfi where there are nice small lakes next to the boulders. The Baby Druidi sector has many bouldering routes for children. There are wooden signs along the path.
"Druidi Alto" is the highest sector of all, exposed to the sun in the morning it is sheltered from the cold.

Grazie Carlotta.

Era il 2001, non lo dimenticherò mai; mi aggiravo nel greto del fiume
alla ricerca di blocchi, ancora una volta in compagnia del mio inseparabile cane Carlotta.
Vagavo senza una meta precisa, camminando nel bosco quasi convinto
di non trovare nulla, a parte castagne, così poco dopo pensai di tornare
a casa.
Ancora ora non so il motivo di quell’azione, ma Carlotta (che fortunatamente non era della mia stessa idea) si mise a correre su per la collina,
salì veloce scomparendo tra i cespugli.
La seguii chiamandola, pensando che avesse fiutato qualche animale,
la persi di vista, arrivai in cima più in fretta che potevo, preoccupato
guardavo ovunque per trovarla, camminai ancora e cominciai a vedere
una grossa ombra nel bosco.
Incredulo per le dimensioni pensai subito a un rudere, mi avvicinai a
passo veloce finché mi trovai davanti ad un enorme masso a forma arrotondata con i lati strapiombanti.
Carlotta era lì, seduta sotto il masso che mi guardava soddisfatta.
Non credevo ai miei occhi, in un istante mi passarono nella testa mille pensieri, cercavo di comprendere, era come se sapesse che stavo cercando blocchi, non lo so ancora adesso.
La abbracciai, ero felice, poi insieme perlustrammo ogni angolo.
C’erano molti massi con linee belle da tutte le parti. Chiamai Christian
al telefono chiedendogli che giorno fosse perché pensavo di sognare…
Mi confermò che era tutto vero e poco dopo mi raggiunse con Stella e
iniziammo così a pulire quella che ora si chiama Antro dei Druidi, sicuramente uno dei settori più belli e frequentati di Varazze, scoperto dal
mio preziosissimo cane.
Marco Bagnasco


The area is access sensitive!

These areas are on private land, so behave extra kind.
From the village Il Pero, reach a big fork right after a small bridge. Do not go toward Alpicella, but continue straight on up two hairpin bends. Turn right after the church and follow the signs “scavi archeologici”, (the road is narrow!). (Here you should reset the odometer)

(the first sector) - access: continue for 650m from the beginning of the road and park on the left in the open area. Go on 10m on foot and go down to the right along the path.

Druidi Alto, Baby Druidi, Druidi Basso, Antro dei Druidi:
(about 2km from the beginning of the road to the parking area). The sectors are just a few seconds away. All sectors can be reached following a clear path, there are wooden signs with directions toward all boulders.

Terra di mezzo and Dimora degli Elfi - continue for 1,6km and reach the first parking area. Leave the car here since the narrow road going down to the left is on a a private property. Before leaving the parking area make sure you parked well and then continue on foot along the dirt road reaching a big open space. From here refer back to the map and choose your sector! (You can reach both sectors in an instant).

Tana del Tasso:
Park in the middle of the Potala, for intermediate sectors. Follow the path that starts from the parking lot. Parking - Sector 4 minutes.

continue by car along the main road for 2 km and reach the sharp bend with an open area in the middle.
l sectors can be reached following a clear path, there are wooden signs with directions toward all boulders.