Black face thumbnail
Black face
6B Boulder at Black Face
Black arête thumbnail
Black arête
4 Boulder at Black Face
Sublime thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Sublime
Wacklig (Shaky) thumbnail
Wacklig (Shaky)
6B+ Boulder at Sublime
High rail thumbnail
High rail
6C+ Boulder at Sublime
Eyes open thumbnail
Eyes open
6A Boulder at Sublime
The nose thumbnail
The nose
7B Boulder at Buoux
Taipan thumbnail
6B Boulder at Buoux
Seynes thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Buoux
The prow thumbnail
The prow
7A Boulder at Buoux
Buoux thumbnail
6B Boulder at Buoux
Block n tackle thumbnail
Block n tackle
6B Boulder at Buoux
Siddhartha thumbnail
6C Boulder at Orange Wall
Expert advice thumbnail
Expert advice
6A Boulder at Orange Wall
Pacour thumbnail
5 Boulder at The Armory East
Battle axe thumbnail
Battle axe
6B+ Boulder at The Armory East
Katana thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at The Armory East
Moser thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at The Armory East
Boomerang thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at The Armory East
La fissure thumbnail
La fissure
6A Boulder at The Armory West
L'arête thumbnail
7A Boulder at The Armory West
L'arête de driote thumbnail
Cannon thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at The Armory West
Bulls-eye thumbnail
5 Boulder at The Armory West
Crossbow thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at The Armory West
Italian stallion thumbnail
Small wall thumbnail
Small wall
6C Boulder at Small Wall
I like thumbnail
I like
4 Boulder at You Like
Random sending thumbnail
Italian slab thumbnail
No topo image available
Sharp holds
6B+ Boulder at Boulder M not
Golden Wave thumbnail
Golden Wave
6A+ Boulder at Golden Wave
Cubby Broccoli thumbnail
Parker Posey thumbnail
Parker Posey
7A+ Boulder at Cubby Broccoli
The big deal thumbnail
The big deal
7A Boulder at Big Deal
The project stand thumbnail
The project stand
7B Boulder at Big Prow
You Like thumbnail
You Like
5 Boulder at You Like
The big prow thumbnail
The big prow
7C+ Boulder at Big Deal
Smoke thumbnail
6C Boulder at Berlingo
Berlingo thumbnail
7A Boulder at Berlingo
Berlingo assis thumbnail
Berlingo assis
7B+ Boulder at Berlingo
High thumbnail
6B Boulder at Berlingo
Random sitting thumbnail
Sharp holds thumbnail
Sharp holds
6B+ Boulder at Sharp Holds
Question mark  thumbnail
La gauche thumbnail
La gauche
5+ Boulder at The Armory West
Perfect thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Perfect Boulder
How tall are you thumbnail
All eyes on you thumbnail
The corner thumbnail
The corner
6C Boulder at Corner Boulder
Left wall thumbnail
Left wall
6B Boulder at Corner Boulder
House of mouse thumbnail
Walk to the Sun thumbnail
Dark duiker thumbnail
Erect and ready thumbnail
Powerline thumbnail
Powerband thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Powerline Boulder
Power up thumbnail
Power up
7A Boulder at Powerline Boulder
Splended thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Powerline Boulder
Toy story thumbnail
Irregular thumbnail
Anvil Crawler thumbnail
Sublime direct thumbnail
Sublime direct
6B+ Boulder at Sublime
Block n tackle sit-start thumbnail
Boomerang direct thumbnail
Changing corners thumbnail
Anna's moonkick school thumbnail
Toyota Heelhooks thumbnail
Lines of power thumbnail
Superpowered thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Perfect Boulder
The prow right thumbnail
The prow right
6B+ Boulder at Buoux
Not by the book thumbnail
More than perfect thumbnail
Warm-up 3 thumbnail
Warm-up 3
6C+ Boulder at Black Face
Kaddi's face thumbnail
Kaddi's face
6B+ Boulder at Black Face
Brimming with balls thumbnail
Don‘t mind the bush thumbnail
QAnon thumbnail
6C Boulder at Orange Wall
The Q thumbnail
The Q
5+ Boulder at Ramskop
Sharpie thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Sharp Holds
Sdloh Prahs thumbnail
Sdloh Prahs
6A+ Boulder at Sharp Holds
Power overwhelming thumbnail
Power overwhelming
7B+ Boulder at Sublime
La Face  thumbnail
La Face
7A Boulder at The Armory West
Black streak slab thumbnail
Ramskop thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Ramskop
On a budget thumbnail
On a budget
4 Boulder at Warm up
Shot or spot thumbnail
Patrice's bulge thumbnail
Patrice's bulge
6B+ Boulder at Sublime
Overhanging jugs thumbnail
Overhanging jugs
6B+ Boulder at Ramskop
Almost perfect thumbnail
A trip down memory lane thumbnail
Final destination thumbnail
That's lit thumbnail
That's lit
6C+ Boulder at Golden Wave
Warm-up 1 thumbnail
Warm-up 1
6A+ Boulder at Black Face
Warm-up 4 thumbnail
Warm-up 4
6C Boulder at Black Face
Bleeding fat ass thumbnail
QAnon Shaman thumbnail
QAnon Shaman
6A+ Boulder at The Armory East
Die krag is af thumbnail
Rolling blackout thumbnail
Candles and horses thumbnail
Sunday Best thumbnail
Sunday Best
6C+ Boulder at Sunday Best
Flash for mushrooms thumbnail
Sublemon thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Sublime
When two templars collide thumbnail
Suborange thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Sublime
Not Shock and tickle thumbnail
Not Shock and tickle
7B Boulder at Buoux
The Goldilocks Theory thumbnail
Kom kom thumbnail
Kom kom
5 Boulder at Kom Kom
Messkom thumbnail
6A Boulder at Kom Kom
Foreign invasion thumbnail
Negative energy thumbnail
Save your power thumbnail
Overpowered thumbnail
Seynes assis thumbnail
Seynes assis
6B Boulder at Buoux
The source thumbnail
The source
7C Boulder at The Source
Push Play thumbnail
Push Play
6A Boulder at Boulder M not
Dille-Dahlen thumbnail
The Diddler thumbnail
Shock and tickle thumbnail
Shock and tickle
7C+ Boulder at Buoux
Revenge of the gym rats thumbnail
Anna’s moonkick school sit thumbnail
Razor Paws thumbnail
Razor game thumbnail
Foreign invasion assis thumbnail
Homeland security thumbnail
Stachlig (Prickly) thumbnail
Stachlig (Prickly)
6B Boulder at Sublime
San spirit thumbnail
San spirit
6A+ Boulder at Buoux
Ancient Art thumbnail
Ancient Art
6B Boulder at Buoux
Revenge of the rock rat thumbnail
Wannabe Wallaby thumbnail
Wannabe Wallaby
7B+ Boulder at Cul de sac
Cul de sac thumbnail
Cul de sac
6B Boulder at Cul de sac
Unknown thumbnail
7A Boulder at Unknown
Go and climb thumbnail
Go and climb
? Boulder at Cul de sac
Scion thumbnail
8A Boulder at Scion
Alley Oop thumbnail
Alley Oop
7C+ Boulder at Alley oop
Yella Poo thumbnail
Yella Poo
6B Boulder at Alley oop
Powerhouse thumbnail
6A Boulder at Powerhouse
After the rain thumbnail
Question🙋‍♂️ thumbnail
The Sibyl's Eye thumbnail
The Sibyl's Eye
6A Boulder at Ramskop
Hydropower thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Buoux

The area is access sensitive!

Access: Permit required!
The boulders are on "Traveller's Rest" land but you access through "de Pakhuys land.

Drive: After taking the left turn off the asphalt road, drive up the dirt track for 200m and park at the obvious parking.

Walk: Follow the dirt track for 5 mins, at the Powerline take the trail leading off right.