
28.6.2024! Toinen airo poikki!!!!

The wall is home to the steepest, proudest and the most difficult DWS climbs in Finland, and possibly in the whole north Europe. Crag has also few easier lines with very good quality. The developement has been slow because of the distant location of the crag (also long approach in swamp terrain + plenty of mosquitoes).

From 12.6.2021 there´s a new floating sauna on the shore for free use. This makes it easier to operate between the routes. Sauna has a dock/boatramp with a winch to take it up on the shore after use. There is no need to winch the raft all the way up from the lake, about 1 meter is enough to keep it steadily connected in shore. The raft is paid by crowdfunding from finnish climbing community. Raft can handle up to 6 persons, but overloading it will make the raft turn upside down, so be careful! Saimaan kiipeilijät are not responsible for maintaining the raft since the costs came from donations and those are all gone. So if you brake anything, please fix it also!

CODE FOR LOCK: 3401. In case of issues, you can sms to Jussi, nollaneljäviis 6339075.

Bring some firewoods for the sauna! Even few pieces every time helps so people won´t start to harvest the forest nearby. Also please don´t leave your beer cans or other stuff in the sauna and try to keep it in nice condition for the next users! There is no permission for any campfire so please bring your gas stove or use the sauna fireplace and the grill rack that can be found under the sauna seats.

The wall is facing north so if you want to enjoy the sun while climbing, it is recommended to go there super early in the morning (5-9am or late evenings 8-11pm). Steepest wall gets shade after 8am and Biisonimafia arete around 9am.

Jumping from the top is possible from Ei tippa Tapa top ledge (15m?) or Biisonimafia top (13m?). Biisonimafia has a big block on the top corner that is good to avoid before it´s checked properly. That said people have been jumping from it without problems. Depth around Aamuauringon metsästäjät-Pihlajaveden lautturit is between 5-9 meters.

If you want to asses the bottom by yourself and dont happen to have scuba diving equipment on your back, it is possible to have some 1kg metal object in the end of the cord and tow it back and forth while moving the raft. It will be easily recognized if it hits rocks somewhere.

Location of the cliff :
61,6349959, 29,1319532

Closest address that google navigator finds: Hirviniementie 262, Punkaharju. Then turn right and continue the gravel road until you come to parking.

Remember that DWS is extremely dangerous sport so never climb alone and download the 112 application so in case of emergency it is easy to locate the caller!


Haukkavuori was found by local guys from Biisonimafia stunt group who told about its climbing possibilities to Marko Siivinen and his friends.

Punkaharju DWS

The area is access sensitive!

By car:

Continue from P marker by foot. A new harvester-made trail near parking spots will take you straight to the cliff. The hike is not recommended for kids. ONLY ONE CAR can drive to the end of the road. Other marked parking spot will fit 2 more cars. If possible, try to pack your group in one car and leave the other cars to Vuoriniemi cemetery for example. Dont go to seek boat ramp from the nearby mill that is couple of kilometers before the parking. That area is private yard. Instead you can drop a small boat from Laguuni, but its only sand, not a proper concrete boat ramp. Other bigger boat ramps are in Punkaharju and on the shore between Saukonsaari-Pietolansaari.

Do not make campfire in the woods nearby. Specially on hot summer days when Forest Fire Warning is valid. Despite that climbers have been making fires in the area which will harm our possibilities to continue climbing in the area. This can lead to heavy access issues so please follow the normal guidelines.

The cliff is best to approach from the west side and it might take some effort since there is no clear path. Blue path is marked with signs on tree branches, please try to follow it to make path more pleasant. Mosquito repellent or long sleeve shirt might be a good idea for the approach.

Sauna raft is situated in the north-west end of the cliff where its more covered from waves. Please keep the raft in same place in the future! Sauna should be lifted to the shore by 1 meter or more. CODE FOR LOCK 3401. Notice that you have to press the lock before opening. It can be little tricky but the code has not changed.

There is a scrambling path going under the cliff from east side of the wall (on your right hand side when you look down). Scrambling is sketchy but doable. Be aware that some handhold blocks are loose. Other option is to rappel down and jumar up but be careful with moss and dirt falling from the top since there are no anchors on this cliff. Also some trees on the top are not solid!