The northern sectors are facing south and are perfect for sunny winter days. All southern sectors on the opposite river side are perfect for all other seasons when it's getting warmer.
A lot of the southern crags stay wet for quite a long time especially in spring. Best chances to get dry rock are the long exposed sectors like "Trautner Gedenkwand" and "Bleisteinwand". On the other hand the northern sectors dry very fast particularly "Adamsfels" and "Glawewand".
In this valley you might find all kind of climbing style you are looking for from grade 6b and higher. "Trautner Gedenkwand" is outstanding for it's long endurance routes as well as "Pottensteiner Wand". Some steeper power endurance climbs are predominantly at "Trierer Wand" and "Riedl Gedenkwand".
Really special are the routes at "Glawewand". This is the only sector where you get vertical routes in the upper 8b range.
The classic routes at "Bleisteinwand" used to be scary and dangerous once upon a time. Thanks to reboltin actions by Manuel and Moritz Welt and Johannes Seitz, all the routes can be climbed now without pooping your pants. Furthermore a lot of new routes has been developed here.
The more you get into the valley the longer the access. Beside that the only kids-suitable sectors are "Trautner Gedenkwand", "Bleisteinwand" and "Soul Kitchen".
Accommodation you'll find directly in "Pottenstein", next camping is "Camping Bärenschlucht" or "Camping Fränkische Schweiz" further down the river towards "Behringersmühle".
Furthermore there are several cafés, taverns and supermarkets in Pottenstein.
At Pottenstein you'll find any sort of activity for resting days, like the famous natural swimming pool, a summer toboggan run, many caves and much more.
💎 Goodies
- Zeitreise
- Condor
- non Stop
- GoGo
- Bis zum bitteren Ende
- Schwach und Sinn
- Alex
- Black Peark
- Dolldy Bastler
- Big Wall
- Zapotex
- Strandcafé
- Mindwarp
- Libellenretter
- Mikrowelle
- Rauhfaser
- Showdown