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Climbing has been limited!


The realm resides in the Biedouw valley, and it's outside of the Cape Nature permit system.

The climbing is allowed, but it has currently R50 (or R80) fee per person. CASH ONLY! It doesn't matter whether you climb or not, the entry permit is still the same.

Drive past Traveller's Rest (farm stall), continue the asphalt road and turn right towards "Wuppertal". Drive for about 16km and you'll see "Biedouw Jeugkamp", turn right and follow the dirt road for 2.2km.

When you approach the sector parking, CLOSE all the gates after you pass through them. You MUST stop at the office (kantoor) and pay the daily permit.

The approach is 1.5km in total. The vertical raise is ~170 meters and the total time of walk-in is around 25-30 minutes.

The path is well marked with cairns after you pass the small stream/river.

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Park under the trees on the right or on the lawn. You MUST report to the kantoor (office). The crag doesn't belong to the Cape Nature permit system. The permit for season is R80 per day.
General marker for the crag