
41 sport 54 trad

Climbing has been limited

Sector Klassikkoainesta is sensitive due to habitation on the lakeside. It is important to act silently on this sector! Only two pairs of climbers at a time and no climbing there after 18 PM. No climb... Read more

We like Reventeenvuori

I haven't done lots of rope climbing but this place was cool.
2nd to Olhava in Finland for trad and sport.
Hieno luonto, hyviä sporttireittejä.

Activities on this crag

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    Climbing has been limited!

    Sector Klassikkoainesta is sensitive due to habitation on the lakeside. It is important to act silently on this sector! Only two pairs of climbers at a time and no climbing there after 18 PM.

    No climbing restrictions on other sectors.