
Maybe the best route in Ristivuori is the steep dihedral Onan Barbaari.

After or before climbing we recommend visiting Kustavin Savipaja, an artisan center with a nice café.


Educate yourself by getting familiar with Kustavi's unique 5-step trad protection grading system, invented by the original topo collection team.

Currently the 27crags mobile app does not display the additional grade information containing the original Finnish grade and the protection grade (hopefully this feature will be added in the future). You can see the full topo information in 27crags web version or from the original topo collection site at

* Teddy bear (pro1): You can get bomb-proof gear wherever you want, the whole route is easily protected.

* Alpine ibex (pro2): Not as obvious as Teddy bear. You have to spot the good places for protection. You may even need some micro-size gear.

* Monkey (pro3): Something suspicious. There may be some bad placements, big runouts or limited visibility to the crack to complicate putting the placements.

* Lizard (pro4): Needs true boldness. Crux moves on the most suspicious placements, route-length lead falls, critical runouts.

* Spider (pro5): Regardless having the most accurate and innovative protection gear in your rack, there is obivous risk of injury. The best protection for a pro5/spider graded route is a full commitment to a successful ascent.


Once upon a time, Ristivuori was visited by the author Volter Kilpi, who used to meditate on the top. In Finland he is famous for his untranslatable massive novel Alastalon Salissa, which is set in the 19th century in Kustavi.

Climbing was introduced to Ristivuori during 2019.

Routes on Ristivuori
3 sport 13 trad 2 boulder 2 Likes
Premium topo by Jammaajat
Ilmari Vauras
from Helsinki, Finland
Pasi Raittila
from Helsinki
Perttu Ollila
from Turku, Finland

The area is access sensitive!

The crag is really close to a summer cottage so behave extra well. Be polite and don't be noisy.


General access and climbing instructions for Kustavi climbing:

- Always behave politely - the local people you encounter at the crag may be the landowner.

- No littering.

- No campfires.

- No camping at the climbing crags. This is a preemptive recommendation to avoid access issues due to high amount of climbers visiting the island.

- There are plenty of nice options for accommodation in Kustavi. Check out Visit Kustavi web pages (in finnish):

- When parking the cars, use some common sense and do not block any roads or access to the fields. If the marked parking space is full, find some other.

-Chipping routes is prohibited. However, there may be some loose blocks or flakes, which can be dislodged if considered a security risk.

-Unclimbed lines are free for everyone to establish new routes, if not marked as reserved project. Guideline is to reserve maximum of one project per climber per one crag per one season. After one season the project reservation is released.

-When establishing a new route, the first ascensionist is expected to clean the route thoroughly.

-There are some older routes left unclimbed for many years, gathering moss. Bring your wire brush and get some respect from climbing community by retro-cleaning and climbing the forgotten gems!