While there are only a couple of known problems, we've added also a good dozen of boulders which could potentially have lines on them. You only have to hike up there and claim your problems! :)
Unio Joubert found Basic Instinct in 2003 but the first ascent went to Bernd Zangerl the next year.
Other Premium topos by Team Rocklands
Basic Instinct
The area is access sensitive!
Access: Permit needed.
Parking: Drive up the back side of Pakhuys Pass in the direction of Clanwilliam and park on the right jus before the 2nd bend in the road
Walk-in: 1km / 45min
From the parking near the bend in the road, walk up the left side of the steep gulley crossing over to the right side near the top. Once out on the plateau, walk down to the right following the cairns to the boulder. The gulley is a bit annoying to ascend, there's no real path up the gulley either. So just scramble up, and while on top, follow the cairns. If you have troubles finding the cairns, they are usually further up the hill on the right slanting brown slab.