Rollarit - Description

Rollarit is popular evening crag during the weekdays for after work climbing. The climbing is crack and face climbing on smooth gneiss type rock. The height of the rock is about 10-14 meters and the base of the cliff is quite nice. There are some rocks but mostly it's flat and even.

Rollarit is situated in the crossing of Kehä 3 and Itäväylä in Länsimäki, Vantaa. It is easily accessible by HSL public transportation. The traffic noise is a problem but all-in-all Rollarit a very pleasant climbing site.

The most popular routes are Rock Vandal (5), Spiderman (6a+) and Mantra (7a).


The climbing on Rollarit started in 1982 by Suomen Alppikerho members. After the first season there were ten routes done and after the second twenty - the hardest being Shell Super by Ilkka Paloheimo.

Rollarit has had it's share of the capital region development. It has been almost destructed many times during the past decades. But it survived both the Kehä 3 development and the Vuosaari harbor railroad track. This is thanks to the active boards of Suomen Alppikerho and Suomen Kiipeilyliitto.

Most of the routes routes have been first ascended in the 1980's and 1990's. There are some odd exceptions from the 21st century, too, but not many.