Götterbogen thumbnail
Torschlusspanik thumbnail
Mollenfriedhof thumbnail
KA-Riss thumbnail
5+ Partially bolted at Devil's Crack
Herbstzauber thumbnail
Hüftgold thumbnail
6b+ Sport at Devil's Crack
Ein Hauch von Provance thumbnail
Flower Hour thumbnail
RP.-Riss thumbnail
5+ Traditional at Devil's Crack
Kurz und Knapp thumbnail
Geierwally thumbnail
6c+ Sport at Devil's Crack
Gerades Geiereck thumbnail
Devil's Crack thumbnail
Altes Geiereck thumbnail
Teufelsritt thumbnail
Pleitegeier thumbnail
Zwischendurch thumbnail
Eibenriss thumbnail
5+ Sport at Devil's Crack
Harry und Bobbyweg thumbnail
Merklriss thumbnail
5+ Sport at Devil's Crack
Mori und Jojo thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

Sector "Galerie" is closed from 1.2 - 30.6 because of breeding birds.

make sure having a knot in your rope's end. Specified route lengths may be vague

Beware of fragile rock sections. Furthermore check anchors before rappelling.

The big crag is located 15 km eastern of the city "Forchheim". From there go to "Pretzfeld", then further towards "Egloffstein". 3 km after "Pretzfeld" turn left towards "Morschreuth". Go up the hill and park at the big parking on the left side as soon as you've reached the plateau.

Go to the western end of the parking and get onto the hiking trail. Follow that trail for 320 meters until you get to a junction. Take the right trail leading slightly up the hill. Continue following that trail along the hillside for about 580 meters. Then you get to the first sectors.

Go to sector "Kuckucksei" and follow the trail ahead to get to the next sectors.
Or otherwise take the middle path at the junction and go along the hill side staying at same altitude. there are several trails going up the hill to your right wich are leading to the several sectors.

Galaxie/Gelbe Wand/Davils Crack
Go to the western end of the parking and get onto the hiking trail. Follow that trail for 320 meters until you get to a junction. Then take the middle path at the junction and go along the hill side staying at same altitude. There are several trails going up the hill to your right wich are leading to the several sectors. Last path up the hill is after 1 km, leading to sector "Devils Crack".