Low level L-R traverse passing under Nosey finishing up Short Side.
CD B14 P1
Sit start using left arete and right side pull. Climb up to first break and traverse right through the break to top out as for Parker.
A stiff pull from under the roof using the left arete and right hand side pull. Finish direct on easier holds.
CD B14 P12a
Climb the wall next to the hilly mound from standing.
TC A15 P1a
SDS Eliminate - using low break and flake only climb out and cross into flake then up the wall on easier holds.
CD B14 P11 & TC A15 P1
The narrow wall between Why Crack and the hillside starting on the obvious side pull flake - uses anything to gain the top.
CD B14 P12
Eliminate to Side Pull - use the flake only.
CD B14 P13
The line between Side Pull and Why Crack from a stand start at the horizontal break. climb the wall direct. lovely warm up/stretch out.
SDS from lowest holds climb e blunt arete LHS of Why Crack - using a clever heel-toe lock in the crack. Easier once the horizontal break is reached.
TC A15 P2
The crack from standing.
Stand start as for Why Crack but trends right to the two stacked blocks and tackles them direct.
Starts as Why Crack - trend up and right around the stacked blocks to finish via the scoop.
SDS climb the crack.
Sit start on the flakey wall beneath the overlap, make your way onto the right arete and up as for the stand.
SDS under roof to finish up Lady Penelope.
TC A15 P4 (c)
The right arete from standing. Smears on the face and a dynamic (static ways are possible) move to the small hold on the scoop and up.
SDS under the shelf then climb the nose.
As Parker but finish rightward on the arête
Tackle the wide overhanging nose from a stand start hugging the aretes. Easier topped out to it's RHS but can be tackled direct - though the grade stays the same.