
Skärvsjö has a small collection of easier problems (~4 to 6C) worth a session. Granite boulders with lots of nice jugs and slopers - more holds than usual for the area which makes it possible to do a lot of variants of the problems.

Recommended problems:
⭐ Groggy (6C+) - Slightly overhanging problem with nice crimps and a sloper arete.
⭐ Den riktiga utbildningsresan (6C) - Endurance traverse.
⭐ Stenvältaren slår till igen (6C) - Hard first move from hangstart in crimps.
⭐ Stenvältaren (6A) - Very nice holds.
⭐ Måste jag? (6A) - Slight overhang with a hard undercling crimp.
⭐ Skrattar bäst som skrattar sist (5+) - Short problem with nice slopers.

The landings are good. Best season is usually early spring. All boulders are located in dense forest so they are mostly shaded and can be OK to climb on hotter days, but can also take some time to dry after rain.


Developed in 2023. Scouted a couple of years before.