No special access issues
Follow the Cable car signs of of A12, they will lead you to the Hungerburg. You need to Park near the Cable car station at the Hungerburg, then take the Nordketten bahn (cabe car) up to Seegrube, not a... Read more
Activities on this crag
- Dave Hansen • 1 year agonew routes at Westliche Sattelspitze, Sonnendeck- Trip to reality (1. of 8 pitches, 7a) 6a+
- Trip to reality (2. of 8 pitches, 7a) 7a
- Trip to reality (3. of 8 pitches, 7a) 3
- Trip to reality (4. of 8 pitches, 7a) 4+
... - Dave Hansen • 1 year agonew routes at Blechhüttenwand, Sonnendeck- Tinto Brass 6b
- Desperado 7c+
- String Tanga 6b
- Cape Fear 7b
... - Dave Hansen • 1 year agonew routes at Zwichendeck, Sonnendeck- Wacholderritt 7a+
- Tanz der Rampiere (project) ?
- Phantom der Slpoer ?
- Die Schöne und das Pief 7a+
... - Dave Hansen • 1 year agonew routes at Steinbockwandl, Sonnendeck- Seitenhieb 6b
- Leistenbruch 7a
- Holzweg 6c+
- Raschpl 7a - Dave Hansen • 1 year agonew routes at Löcherwand, Sonnendeck- Gretzn 6a
- Beweg di 6a+
- Fantomas 6b
- Wackelpudding 6b+
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