
Sorsakoski is a compact place with some good bouldering on slightly overhanging faces. There is still some room for development even for easier climbs.

The approach is short with the first boulders visible from the road. Landings range from good to bad so if you want the full experience bring some friends and pads.

Boulders definitely climbing are "Black horn arete 6A", "Kling on 6B" and almost all the lines in "Metsä" sector.

Happy climbing!


The first lines where opened at Sorsakoski in 2017 by climbers from Kuopio. Development is on going.

Routes on Sorsakoski
12 boulder 1 Likes
Premium topo by Saron
Sampsa Aronen
from Kuopio
Siiri Uuksulainen
from Kuopio, Finland