Highball the flakes up the centre of the block
From a SDS climb the thin wall just left of Prow Do You Like It to the break. Jump off or finish up Easier and Easier.
Rumoured to have been climbed by J.Purchon (TBC)
The right hand arete climbed on its left to the break. Jump off or escape round to the right

SDS -Slappy fridge hugging delights up the blunt prow on right side of Prow Do You Like It- If it was at Caley it would see more traffic than the M25.

The short overhanging top arete from a SDS using crack on the left
Climbing has been limited!
Latest Access information courtesy of Paul Clark and Rob Fenton at www.Unknownstones.com.
Please note. The rocks are located in private, commercial woodland where there has been antisocial behaviour over many years. Access was banned and the following has been agreed on a temporary and trial basis with the landowner. BMC have agreed to indemnify the landowner (for climbing by BMC members) who has legitimate concerns about opening access onto private land. Failure to follow these arrangements is likely to result in access being removed.
o Access is for a trial period of 6 months
o Only BMC members are covered under the
o Climbing is restricted – Monday to Friday only – no weekend climbing. o Anyone visiting the rocks should respect the environment and behave
responsibly. Please keep climbing low-key o No large groups
o No litter – it would be helpful if climbers bag any litter they find and take it away
o Keep noise to a minimum.
o No dogs
o No Lamping sessions
o Use the agreed access route(s)
Please Note
The BMC Yorkshire Area have agreed run regular crag clean-ups and to monitor access on behalf of the landowner.
If you plan to visit please send a text indicating your intention to do so to the local BMC Access Rep – Mick Johnson -07759 427737