
IMPORTANT: Read access information

Svartøien is the biggest and newest bouldering area in Oppdal. The main feature is the excellent rock quality and easy access. The bouldering is also close to the sport-crag Ishoel, both 15 minute drive from Oppdal. Landings are relatively flat and not too tall, so 1-2 pads should be enough for most of the problems even though there are exceptions:)

Climbers have the responsibility to not disturb the people or animals living nearby in any way. Be friendly and advise caution. This is the only way we can continue to climb here. Please use the big main parking space on the east side before the bridge. There are a couple meeting spots further up the road that can be used to check out boulders and drop off pads/equipment, but no long time parking here. Do not park on the south side of the bridge.


The first registered boulders were put up in 2021, and the area quickly hosted 30-40 problems. At the time writing, Svartøien now hosts close to 80 problems, and has something for everyone.


The area is access sensitive!

There are both people and animals living close to the boulders. Use the existing trails and keep a low profile, that means no loud music and big gatherings. Take all your trash with you and leave the area as it is or better. Park on the advised space, and make sure your car is not in the way for others. This is not a camping site, look for another parking if you are staying overnight.

How to get here:
From the RV70, drive down the small road towards the river right by a red house. Just before the sketchy bridge there is parking space on both sides of the road, do NOT park on the other side of the bridge. All the sectors are close to the road and can be easily accessed on foot.