This area has a special feeling because of its unique setting and offers a variety of problems in all grades.
Discovered by Cooper Roberts in 2005 but developed by a group of Austrians later that season.
Since then many new problems have been opened and it is now considered one of the classic areas!
- DIHEDRAL BOULDERS - Bouldering Rocklands, South Africa
- BIG & ROOF BOULDERS - Bouldering Rocklands, South Africa
- ROADKILL CAFE - Bouldering & Tradclimbing Rocklands, South Africa
- CAMP SALLIE - Bouldering Rocklands, South Africa
- BONUS BOULDERS - Bouldering & Trad Rocklands, South Africa
- WITNESS VALLEY - Bouldering Rocklands, South Africa
Climbing has been limited!
Access: Permit required!
Nature: Be careful with the existing vegetation & no cutting of trees!
Rock ART: The "Riders of the Stone" boulder has rock art, DO NOT climb the problems somebody has put up around the drawings. The boulders are drawn on the topo, but they are there to remind that these lines are out of bounds.
Parking: Please park at the described parking, and do not drive further in! Also, please park in a way as to allow maximum number of spots!
Walk-in: 10 min (800m)
The path is easy to follow. Don't be alarmed when the path veers back to the asphalt road. It will soon turn back heading to the sector itself :)