Sds with left hand on a good 3 finger crimp or a sloper, right hand on the 2finger crimp/pinch at the start of BTS. Make tenuous compression moves up a right hand corner and left hand sloper crimp rail to get into the finish of Blowing the Stack. TESTPIECE.
Start on Darcy's Law and finish on the powerful compression ending of Wellhead. Very continuous compression to the end. Probably is the line on the boulder.
Stand start on right hand side pull, left hand slot. Step the feet on and do a blind barn-door dead point to the slot and then roll out left for the top out.
SDS same as Blowing the Stack but go direct out the roof.
sds on small crimper pinches. Get a good crimp right handed and power up to the seam. Traverse out left and stick the dead point/dyno to the breadloaf pinch and top out straight up. CLASSIC.
Sds on Blowing the Stack and move right into the start of Rat Hole. Just 3 moves makes Rat Hole much harder.
Squat start on a good jug. make a big deapoint or dyno to a good open handed hold and head straight up.