The Cellar
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The Cellar
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  • Project. start on crimps in the middle of the bowl and head up and out left. Thin, hard, and shouldery.
  • sds on a good side pull and a jug. move up into good pockets in a seam and move out right hand to a slopey crimp. Set up and fire to the lip.
  • SDS on a right hand 2 finger pocket and left on a variety of slopers. move up to the platform and the pocket and topout out straight up.
The Cellar
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  • Sds with left hand on a good 3 finger crimp or a sloper, right hand on the 2finger crimp/pinch at the start of BTS. Make tenuous compression moves up a right hand corner and left hand sloper crimp rail to get into the finish of Blowing the Stack. TESTPIECE.
  • Start on Darcy's Law and finish on the powerful compression ending of Wellhead. Very continuous compression to the end. Probably is the line on the boulder.
  • Stand start on right hand side pull, left hand slot. Step the feet on and do a blind barn-door dead point to the slot and then roll out left for the top out.
  • SDS same as Blowing the Stack but go direct out the roof.
  • sds on small crimper pinches. Get a good crimp right handed and power up to the seam. Traverse out left and stick the dead point/dyno to the breadloaf pinch and top out straight up. CLASSIC.
  • Sds on Blowing the Stack and move right into the start of Rat Hole. Just 3 moves makes Rat Hole much harder.
  • Squat start on a good jug. make a big deapoint or dyno to a good open handed hold and head straight up.
The Cellar
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  • Sds with left hand on a good 3 finger crimp or a sloper, right hand on the 2finger crimp/pinch at the start of BTS. Make tenuous compression moves up a right hand corner and left hand sloper crimp rail to get into the finish of Blowing the Stack. TESTPIECE.
  • Start on Darcy's Law and finish on the powerful compression ending of Wellhead. Very continuous compression to the end. Probably is the line on the boulder.
  • sds on small crimper pinches. Get a good crimp right handed and power up to the seam. Traverse out left and stick the dead point/dyno to the breadloaf pinch and top out straight up. CLASSIC.
The Cellar
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  • SDS on good holds. throw up and left to a good sloper runnel and work up the water groove to top out.
  • Various methods exist but all seem to come up short on sticking the move. A crucial foot broke making this problem much more difficult.
  • Sds with left hand on a good 3 finger crimp or a sloper, right hand on the 2finger crimp/pinch at the start of BTS. Make tenuous compression moves up a right hand corner and left hand sloper crimp rail to get into the finish of Blowing the Stack. TESTPIECE.
The Cellar
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  • higher start to Well Worked. SDS left hand on low 3finger gaston and high right side pull. Make a powerful move up and left to a good crimper and topout.
  • SDS on the good jug slot. Powerful moves up through the sidepull and left into the finish of Well Worked.
  • sds on a left hand triangle pinch and a right heel. keep the tension and bump up right to a good side pull. use a variety of crimpers with the left hand to gain the top sloper. topout on jugs.
  • SDS on good holds. throw up and left to a good sloper runnel and work up the water groove to top out.
The Gasfields

The area is access sensitive!

The Gasfields are located on Cherokee Wildlife Management Land and climbing is allowed. Parking is very limited. Please park off of the main dirt road because this is a working gas field and trucks are constantly traveling up and down. Cherokee WMA land is marked with orange paint. Stay within boundaries. Private Land does exist in surrounding areas. Be Respectful. Pick up any trash you find and practice Leave No Trace Ethics.