Slinky + Escalator
Slinky + Escalator 1 / 2
  • stand start with an LH pocket and and RH sidepull under/left of the rail, climb the rail to a casual top out
  • climb the slopey rail farthest right in the corridor
  • start matched in the jug, there is a bird's nest so LEAVE IT BE! there are still great holds. Climb the lip to the jug and then mantle out
  • start matched on jugs climb through the crimp rail to the ledge and exit through pockets
Slinky + Escalator
Slinky + Escalator 2 / 2
  • start matched in the jug, there is a bird's nest so LEAVE IT BE! there are still great holds. Climb the lip to the jug and then mantle out

There are 1 routes that have not yet been drawn on a topo image. See full list of routes from Slinky + Escalator .