La Playa
Los hawara
Ese o ese
Otra Valle
Teoria del todo
Black magic y Sota
La teoría del todo thumbnail
Heini Holzer thumbnail
Heini Holzer
8A+ Boulder at El dominio
Yellow submarine thumbnail
Epicentro thumbnail
8A Boulder at Epicentro
Bales thumbnail
8A Boulder at Bales mobydick
Stradivarius thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Stradivarius
Titanic sit thumbnail
Titanic sit
7C+ Boulder at Gitanic
Lección de Escalada thumbnail
Gitanic sit thumbnail
Gitanic sit
7C+ Boulder at Gitanic
Telebidedo thumbnail
Ese o ese thumbnail
SOS thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Ese o ese / TMA-B64-65
Heini Holzer de pie thumbnail
La Mente de llúvatar lower start thumbnail
El Pedestal thumbnail
El Pedestal
7C+ Boulder at Teoria de todo
Black Magic thumbnail
Black Magic
7C Boulder at Black Magic
Cañas y cacahuetes thumbnail
El del bidedo thumbnail
El del bidedo
7C Boulder at Nisu
Quilombo thumbnail
7C Boulder at La Ola TMA-B31
Pulso Cósmico thumbnail
Pulso Cósmico
7C Boulder at Maquiavelo
Lance Luengo thumbnail
Lance Luengo
7C Boulder at Lance Luengo
Garbancito (sit) thumbnail
TMA-BLOQUE 45-L1 thumbnail
7C Boulder at bloque 45
Rouloser thumbnail
7C Boulder at El sandwich
Draculin thumbnail
7C Boulder at Draculin
Lanzayemas thumbnail
7C Boulder at Lanzayemas
La Mente de llúvatar thumbnail
Patxi Droning thumbnail
Patxi Droning
7C Boulder at Black Magic
La estrella de la muerte thumbnail
So sick thumbnail
So sick
7C Boulder at So sick
Plumas a la brasa thumbnail
Didiedro thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Didiedro TMA-B32
Sinonimo de Lucro thumbnail
Garbancito de pie thumbnail
Garbancito de pie
7B+ Boulder at Garbancito
La Mula thumbnail
La Mula
7B+ Boulder at Cacahuetes
Lección de Escalada de pie thumbnail
Frigodedo thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Frigopie
Ice-T thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at El dominio
Cuevosis thumbnail
Stradivarius de pie thumbnail
La polea de Damocles thumbnail
Twister choc thumbnail
Twister choc
7B+ Boulder at Frigopie
El Hobbit thumbnail
El Hobbit
7B Boulder at El Hobbit
El murciélago (direct) thumbnail
El Vengador thumbnail
El pelele thumbnail
El pelele
7B Boulder at Pelele
El Del Bidedo, de pie thumbnail
El Del Bidedo, de pie
7B Boulder at Nisu
El Intravesable thumbnail
El Intravesable
7B Boulder at Los Hawara
Romos en cuesta thumbnail
Chinche asesina thumbnail
La gran sorpresa extension thumbnail
Estruje el pass thumbnail
Infarto cerebral thumbnail
Infarto cerebral
7B Boulder at tma-b94
Frigopie thumbnail
7B Boulder at Frigopie
No topo image available
Perla Negra
7B Boulder at Perla negra
Air Italy  thumbnail
Air Italy
7A+ Boulder at Air France
Levitation thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Levitation
Aeroplane thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Air France
Peta zetas thumbnail
Voda, voda los mi zan thumbnail
Locura Transitoria thumbnail
Periñán del Campo thumbnail
El Inmantelable thumbnail
El Inmantelable
7A+ Boulder at Los Hawara
Gitanic thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Gitanic
Romos en Cuesta stand thumbnail
La gran sorpresa thumbnail
Titanic thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Gitanic
Vasseline thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Cacahuetes
Galileo low thumbnail
Aragorn thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Aragorn / tma-b33
Comandante García thumbnail
Plumas a la brasa de pie thumbnail
Hipocentro thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Epicentro
El numerico de la cabra thumbnail
Exoxina thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Ketamina / TMA-B52
El Dominio thumbnail
El Dominio
7A+ Boulder at El dominio
El Sandwich thumbnail
El Sandwich
7A+ Boulder at El sandwich
Amnesia thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Amnesia
Lanzayemas de pie thumbnail
Lanzayemas de pie
7A+ Boulder at Lanzayemas
Lady didier thumbnail
Lady didier
7A+ Boulder at La playa
No topo image available
7A+ Boulder at So sick
Confusion thumbnail
Heaven doors thumbnail
El Antifaz thumbnail
El murciélago thumbnail
El murciélago
7A Boulder at Murcielago
Los Hawara thumbnail
Los Hawara
7A Boulder at Los Hawara
TMA-B9-L3 thumbnail
Ketamina thumbnail
Missing Jack thumbnail
Missing Jack
7A Boulder at Levitation
Abrazo Eterno thumbnail
Sex pistol thumbnail
Sex pistol
7A Boulder at Lanzayemas
Enigma thumbnail
7A Boulder at Enigma / TMA-B8
Tsunami cabe thumbnail
Peta zetas de pie thumbnail
La Playa thumbnail
La Playa
7A Boulder at La playa
Autoengaño thumbnail
Nisu thumbnail
7A Boulder at Nisu
Air France sit thumbnail
Air France sit
7A Boulder at Air France
El cascanueces thumbnail
Michel de los bosques thumbnail
Tierra media Albarracín

The area is access sensitive!

Climbing has been limited in Albarracín due the bird nesting and protecting the nature. Tierra media is still open for climbing, and let's keep it that way. :
-Park at parkings showed on 27crags
-Don't block any roads/passages with your vehicle.
-Don't leave any trash behind you and bury all your human waste.
-respect the nature
-Brush away tickmarks and excessive chalk
-Don't climb with lights or when it's getting dark or before sun rise.
-Use only recognized paths.
-Don't make fires.
-Keep your dog in the leash and collect the dog waste

Approach to Tierra media:
Follow the gps path way, from the Cabrerizo parking it means going down the valley and straight up on the other side. This a bit over 50m of elevation meters is a quite heavy start and end of the trip. After reaching the top of the the other side, go left and follow stone pillars. It should take you about 10 minutes to reach TM.
From the main parking, walk like to techos, but when reaching the field turn left just before, and at the end of the field, turn right to a small path clearly visible. This path also has stone pillar markings the whole way. There is also the gps path for this one.