No special access issues

All sectors can be reached from the same parking spot. The pakring is rather small, so often cars need to park on the side of the road before reaching the parking. Park as close a possible to the side and always leave some space as a turning point for other visitors.

Sector Is Janas:
From the parking, walk back towards Ulassai for about 30 metres until a path on the right goes up towards the rock.

Sector Genobida:
On the parking spot, 10 meters on the right side of the fresh water fountain, a small path goes upwards. Follow the Kairns until you arrive at the base of the sector.

Sector Scala e predi:
After the parking spot, follow the path ahead for 2 minutes. Take the first path on your left and follow it up until you reach the rock.

Sector Su casteddu:
Follow the path ahead for 4 minutes. Take the second path on your left and follow it up until you reach a flat open space on top of the plateau. Follow to edge of the platteau to the right. Shortly after you will reach the beginning of the sector.

Sector Eldorado:
Take the path as for Su casteddu. Instead of going taking the second left, go straight and follow the path that goes under Su casteddu . Follow until you reach the path that goes up to the left just before sector Bauarena.

Sector Bauarena:
Take the path as for Su casteddu. Instead of going taking the second left, go straight and follow the path that goes under Su casteddu . Follow this path until you have a big path going upwards to the left. You arrive at the left side of the crag.
Alternatively you can park on the other side of the mountain. Follow a dirt road that goes up on the left of the little house. ALWAYS CLOSE THE GATE. Shortly after the road turns left, a small path goes upwards towards the rock (look for the kairn)..


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email