La Travita thumbnail
Roadrunner thumbnail
Wallfahrt thumbnail
8a Sport at Wallfahrt
Stau thumbnail
Dauerbrenner thumbnail
Hardcorebiking thumbnail
7b+ Partially bolted at Tüchersfelder Wand
Mayday thumbnail
7b+ Sport at Christinenwand
Hauptsache Neutour thumbnail
Oh Captain, mein Captain thumbnail
Abschneider thumbnail
Bunga, Bunga thumbnail
Deckel und Topf thumbnail
Carpe Diem thumbnail
Carpe Diem
7a+ Sport at Christinenwand
Marathon 85 thumbnail
Durchzug thumbnail
Schwebebahn thumbnail
Beppis Traum thumbnail
Pumailtis thumbnail
7a Sport at Wallfahrt
Ruckzuck thumbnail
Ost mit West thumbnail
Ost mit West
6c+ Partially bolted at Tüchersfelder Wand
Weidener Holzkopfsektion thumbnail
Erbschleicher thumbnail
Andreas Seidel Gedenkweg thumbnail
Andreas Seidel Gedenkweg
6b Partially bolted at Schonungerwand
Requiescat in Pace thumbnail
Kein Ohr Lauda thumbnail
Kein Ohr Lauda direkt thumbnail
Candle in the Wind thumbnail
Ferien für immer thumbnail
King Head Pub thumbnail
Verbotene Früchte thumbnail
Regnet ja garnicht thumbnail
Alter Weg thumbnail
Alter Weg
5 Partially bolted at Tüchersfelder Wand
Zwerg Nase thumbnail
Projekt thumbnail
? Sport at Schonungerwand

The area is access sensitive!

Don't park your car underneath the sector "Tüchersfelder Wand". The property owner is quite unhappy about cars parking on his property. The sector is about to get closed otherwise.
Park along the main road.

The crag's sectors are located around the village "Tüchersfeld" in the Püttlach-valley between "Pottenstein" and "Behringersmühle". Approaching from West follow signs towards "Behringersmühle" and ahead to "Pottenstein". Approaching from East follow signs towards "Pottenstein" and ahead to "Behringersmühle". Parking is along the main road in "Tüchersfeld".

Tüchersfelder Wand:
Leave the village towards "Pottenstein" (east) via the main road. Just a few meters behind the village there's a forest road to your left. Here's a path leading left to the already visible wall.

Cross the river and go to the chapel. There are several bridges, the chapel is located at the central bridge and visible from the main road. Go up the steps behind the chapel and keep left along the hillside for 50 meters. The sector is next to the trail.

Schonunger Wand:
Park at the western end of "Tüchersfeld" left handed facing west and get on the hiking trail towards "Behringersmühle" (label with red cross). Follow that trail for about 450 meters until you spot the sector to your left. A small path is leading to the wall.

Park at the western end of "Tüchersfeld" left handed facing west and get on the hiking trail towards "Behringersmühle" (label with red cross). Follow that trail for about 200 meters. After the trail bends left go ahead for about 60 meters until there are some small conifers in the otherwise predominantly deciduous forest. Take off the trail to your left and go up the hill. There are several rocks and boulders facing ahead, pass them to the left. Go ahead until you've reached the top of the hill. go ahead keeping slightly left. In high season you might spot a foot path branching off the hiking trail.