Bubo bubo thumbnail
Bubo bubo
7b+ Sport at Höger del
Liquid Jesus thumbnail
Det gyllene snittet thumbnail
Evighetsmaskinen thumbnail
Vingar av stål thumbnail
Odjuret i ditt inre thumbnail
Himmelriket thumbnail
6c Sport at Höger del
Per aspera ad astra thumbnail
Per aspera ad astra
6c Traditional at Höger del
Memento mori thumbnail
Memento mori
6c Sport at Höger del
Solens tempel thumbnail
Jag blir sned thumbnail
Uggelflaket thumbnail
6b+ Traditional at Höger del
Smack my bitch up thumbnail
Gryningsräd thumbnail
6b Traditional at Vänster del
Batemans etage thumbnail
Batemans etage
6b Traditional at Höger del
Skogsstjärna thumbnail
Död åt byråkraterna thumbnail
Nådens år thumbnail
Nådens år
6a+ Traditional at Vänster del
Stictius thumbnail
6a Traditional at Höger del
Jaså herrn är ute och finklättrar thumbnail
Frukost för luftarianer thumbnail
Familjen Tuff-Tuff thumbnail
Familjen Tuff-Tuff
5+ Traditional at Lilla väggen
Hinkens hörna thumbnail
Hinkens hörna
5 Traditional at Vänster del
Ung rebell thumbnail
Född vild thumbnail
Hemma hos thumbnail
Hemma hos
5 Traditional at Höger del
Athos thumbnail
5 Sport at Höger del
Porthos thumbnail
5 Sport at Höger del
Aramis thumbnail
5 Sport at Höger del
Vildhallon thumbnail
5 Traditional at Lilla väggen
Debutanten thumbnail
4+ Sport at Vänster del
Min egen hexaromb thumbnail
Min egen hexaromb
4+ Traditional at Lilla väggen
Sweet home Tunaberg thumbnail

Climbing has been limited!

From the 1st of February until the 15th of August climbing is banned here due to nesting birds. Even getting close to the cliff is prohibited during the period. If this is not respected Uggelberget is in great risk of becoming a bird protection area, which will reduce the climbing possibilities even more.

Holding courses is not banned, but large member groups are not desirable. You can camp on the grass by the fire place. Don’t block the road with your car, park on the shown spot. If you’re making new routes, paint bolts and anchors, please.
