No special access issues

🟢The access is opened all the year, during winter after big snowfalls it could be difficult to reach the area due to the snow on the road.

🅿️ Parking: click on the 🅿️ on the map to be redirected to the maps on your browser

🚶🏼Approach: some boulders are closed to the road, others require max 10-15 min of walk

⚠️ REMEMBER: most of the land is private property, so it's even more important than usual to respect the environment and to carry away your trash. Leave nothing but footprints!

From Garessio, continue along the SS28 state road towards Ormea for about one kilometer until you reach the sign indicating "Valdinferno." At this point, turn right and take the road that climbs up the hill. Continue for approximately 5 km until you reach two hairpin turns, near which the sector is located. You can park directly along the roadside at the hairpin turns without disrupting traffic. The boulders are in the woods on the right, some of which are already visible from the road. The approach to the higher sector requires about 10 minutes of walking along a path that becomes steeper as you ascend.

Da Garessio proseguire per circa un chilometro lungo la strada statale SS28 in direzione Ormea fino a raggiungere il cartello con l'indicazione "Valdinferno", a questo punto girare a destra e imboccare la strada che sale per la collina. Proseguire per circa 5 km fino a raggiungere due tornanti, in prossimità dei quali è situato il settore. Si può parcheggiare direttamente a bordo strada nei tornanti senza disturbare la circolazione. I massi sono nel bosco sulla destra, alcuni dei quali sono già visibili dalla strada. L'approccio al settore più alto richiede circa 10 minuti di camminata lungo un sentiero che diventa più ripido man mano che si sale.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email