
28 boulder

The area is access sensitive

Parking near the sports field is not allowed any more. Park your car at Kuusijärvi recreational area or along Vanha Porvoontie. Smaller roads at the Viirilä community are too narrow for parking. Read more

We like Viirilä

lipton, cafe latte and paris-dakar make the visit worth while.
Small wall and Stone called "africa". About 15 routes, grades 5- to 7a+.
There were 2-3 nice 6b:s but other than that, not so much for me to climb. Cool spot though!

Activities on this crag


The area is access sensitive!

Parking near the sports field is not allowed any more. Park your car at Kuusijärvi recreational area or along Vanha Porvoontie. Smaller roads at the Viirilä community are too narrow for parking.