Arete from a standing start left of the crackline project 10m downhill from 'Plenty of Ways to Skin A Cat'.
Sit start on good, diagonal leaning holds. Move up to big, flat sloper at base of crack line, then take the crack to top out.
The Fontainbleau like project 2m right of the Crack Project (1m left of Doormouse). Sit start using the big jug under the arête then up the face using slopey crimpers to an even sloppier topout on some of the worst (best?) slopers you’ve ever seen.
Very low sit start 4m around right from Slap & Tickle using a slopey sidepull (RH) near ground level and a good LH sidepull/jug. RH straight up for the slopey lip of the boulder, then LH onto the slab and mantle to top out via a very thin and sharp RH crimper.