No special access issues

Sectors Mngo (M) and Penninsula High Balls (PHB) can be reached together, while sectors Old School (OS) and Physical Wall (PW) are easier to reach from another trail. It would be possible to go from sectors OS and PW to the other sectors or the other way around, but you'd have to go through bushes through a somewhat sketchier trail. Backtracking the trail to the street and entering OS and PW from the large building's parking saves you time and effort.

For going to M, park along side the road. About fifty meters next to the enterance gate to Spitak Rescue centre, there is a concrete wall with a wide gap (see crag images). When you enter through this gap, the trail leading to the sectors starts right there. From M, PHB is just a ten minute walk further up.

For going to OS, enter the big building's parking, there is a barrier but you're able to walk onto the parking on foot. At the right corner of the parking you see a power pole. The trail leading to OS starts right under the power pole. OS is located right under a yellow zipline platform. From OS, PW is about fifteen minutes further on the trail.


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email