Happy Place
True Romance
Briscilla (Left Main Sector)
Wiese (Middle main sector)
Morla (Right main sector)
Golden roof
Jam Session thumbnail
Jam Session
8A Boulder at Jam Session
Bad Chemist thumbnail
Bad Chemist
7C+ Boulder at Dunking
Fantastiy Mr. Fox thumbnail
Frischfleisch thumbnail
7B Boulder at Happy Place
Antipop thumbnail
8A Boulder at Happy Place
Happy Place thumbnail
Happy Place
7A Boulder at Happy Place
Activity thumbnail
7B Boulder at Happy Place
Bocksprung thumbnail
7B Boulder at Happy Place
Living on the edge thumbnail
Sangria thumbnail
7B Boulder at Happy Place
Enove Kante thumbnail
Enove Kante
7A+ Boulder at Happy Place
Mother Firestarter thumbnail
Easy Living thumbnail
Easy Living
6B Boulder at Firestarter
Willswing thumbnail
7B Boulder at Firestarter
Rissl thumbnail
6B Boulder at Firestarter
One hot summer night thumbnail
Inside out thumbnail
Inside out
7A+ Boulder at One hot minute
Skatchy thumbnail
7A Boulder at Friend
Friend to the left thumbnail
Friend to the left
7A Boulder at Friend
Friend to friend thumbnail
Friend to friend
7A Boulder at Friend
Giacomo Giacomo thumbnail
Giacomo Giacomo
7C Boulder at Friend
Reinis 1 thumbnail
Reinis 1
6A Boulder at Reinis
Reinis 3 thumbnail
Reinis 3
6C Boulder at Reinis
Reinis 2 thumbnail
Reinis 2
6B+ Boulder at Reinis
Nagelbrett thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Nagelbrett
Fakir thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Nagelbrett
Ohne Namen thumbnail
Ohne Namen
6B Boulder at Nagelbrett
Gadjo Dilo thumbnail
Gadjo Dilo
5 Boulder at Nora Luca
Nora Luca thumbnail
Nora Luca
6C+ Boulder at Nora Luca
Warm up thumbnail
Warm up
6A Boulder at Warm up
Krokodil thumbnail
6C Boulder at Krokodil
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Krokodil
Stiegenhaus thumbnail
6B Boulder at Power edge
Power Edge thumbnail
Power Edge
7B Boulder at Power edge
Power Edge Stand thumbnail
Hole Run thumbnail
Hole Run
7B Boulder at Hole run
Pressure Drop thumbnail
Pressure Drop
8A Boulder at Hole run
Bloodsport  thumbnail
8A Boulder at Carmen
Carmen thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Carmen
Big Tasty thumbnail
Depp down and dirty thumbnail
Sit and Believe thumbnail
Korni thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Korni
Briscilla thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Briscilla
Elvis thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Briscilla
Der Leichte thumbnail
Der Leichte
5+ Boulder at Der Leichte
Powder face thumbnail
Powder face
7C Boulder at Powder face
Baby face thumbnail
Baby face
7A Boulder at Powder face
Heart of Gold thumbnail
Heart of Gold
7A Boulder at Powder face
Trays Slap thumbnail
Trays Slap
6C Boulder at Remixed
Rampl thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Remixed
Warml thumbnail
6B Boulder at Remixed
Machtl thumbnail
7B Boulder at Remixed
Remixed thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Remixed
Geri thumbnail
6C Boulder at Remixed
Geri 2 thumbnail
Geri 2
6C Boulder at Remixed
Weggeschnappt thumbnail
7A Boulder at Remixed
Layla thumbnail
5 Boulder at Leyla
Sumpfrumpe thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Leyla
Lass mi sei thumbnail
Lass mi sei
7B+ Boulder at Leyla
Kluana Dreck thumbnail
Kluana Dreck
7A+ Boulder at Leyla
Kantl thumbnail
6C Boulder at Leyla
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Leyla
No Shame thumbnail
No Shame
6A Boulder at Leyla
Analdin und die Wunderschlampe thumbnail
No Name 1 thumbnail
No Name 1
6A Boulder at Ohne Namen
No Name 2 thumbnail
No Name 2
6A+ Boulder at Ohne Namen
The Tower thumbnail
The Tower
7B+ Boulder at Watchtower
Springbreak thumbnail
7B Boulder at Springbreak
Faulheitsfaktor thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Springbreak
Sometimes you forget thumbnail
Snatch thumbnail
7A Boulder at Snatch
Groove Armada thumbnail
Standing Armada thumbnail
Keine Ahnung thumbnail
Keine Ahnung
7B Boulder at Keine Ahnung
No Name thumbnail
No Name
7C+ Boulder at Keine Ahnung
Little dolphin dreamin' thumbnail
Shine on you crazy diamond thumbnail
Waldi thumbnail
Waldgeist thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Der verlorene Sohn
Der Verlorene Sohn thumbnail
Die Welle thumbnail
Die Welle
6B Boulder at Die Welle
Traverse thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Economy
Pablo Diablo thumbnail
Pablo Diablo
6A Boulder at Economy
Economy thumbnail
7B Boulder at Economy
Vitalogy thumbnail
7C Boulder at Agent Orange
Vitalogy sd thumbnail
Vitalogy sd
8A Boulder at Agent Orange
Rupis Mentla thumbnail
Rupis Mentla
7A+ Boulder at Agent Orange
Accelerator thumbnail
6C Boulder at Agent Orange
Cockbit thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Agent Orange
Heart Attack thumbnail
Heart Attack
7C+ Boulder at Agent Orange
Agent Orange thumbnail
Agent Orange
7C Boulder at Agent Orange
Clockwork Orange thumbnail
Purring Puma thumbnail
Purring Puma
8B+ Boulder at Agent Orange
Barracuda thumbnail
7A Boulder at Agent Orange
Skyline thumbnail
6A Boulder at Triple
Kantig thumbnail
6A Boulder at Triple
Triple thumbnail
6C Boulder at Triple
Slippery when wet thumbnail
Slippery when wet
6C+ Boulder at Triple
Guantanamera thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Guantanamera
Wadenkrampf thumbnail
6C Boulder at Guantanamera
Dunking thumbnail
7A Boulder at Dunking
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Dunking
Marco Polo Verschneidung thumbnail
Sweet dreams thumbnail
Sweet dreams
7B+ Boulder at Sweet dreams
Waldmaestro thumbnail
7C Boulder at Sweet dreams
Heartbeat thumbnail
Slimy thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Slimey + Heartbeat
Weberknecht thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Weberknecht
Weberknecht sit thumbnail
Panamera Flow thumbnail
Panamera Flow
8A Boulder at Weberknecht
Sunny side up thumbnail
Nippon thumbnail
7A Boulder at Nippon
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B Boulder at Folterknecht
Folterknecht thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Folterknecht
Christopherus Columbus thumbnail
Morning Show thumbnail
Morning Show
6C Boulder at Morning Show
Schneewittchen thumbnail
Schneeflittchen thumbnail
Spark Plug thumbnail
Spark Plug
7A+ Boulder at Schneewittchen
Funny Boulder thumbnail
Ohne Namen thumbnail
Ohne Namen
6B Boulder at Ohne Namen
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6A Boulder at Flat Rat
Flat Rat thumbnail
Flat Rat
7A Boulder at Flat Rat
La Foz thumbnail
La Foz
6C Boulder at Flat Rat
Schindldach’l thumbnail
6C Boulder at Los Nano
Die Klötebreibe thumbnail
International thumbnail
7A Boulder at Ragaman
Ragamann thumbnail
7B Boulder at Ragaman
Kantl thumbnail
6A Boulder at Ragaman
s'Schöane Moatle thumbnail
s'Schöane Moatle
7A Boulder at Ragaman
No Name thumbnail
No Name
5+ Boulder at Flat Rat
Orgasmatronic thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Orgasmatronic
Orgasmatronic stand thumbnail
Spiders thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Spiders
Spiders Traverse thumbnail
Spiders Traverse
6C+ Boulder at Spiders
Die zarteste Versuchung thumbnail
Georgies Mantle thumbnail
Eckkonflikt thumbnail
7C Boulder at Eckkonflikt
High quality brain branding thumbnail
Eggkonflikt thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Eckkonflikt
Pac Man thumbnail
Pac Man
7B+ Boulder at Pacman
Max 7 thumbnail
Max 7
7B Boulder at Max 7
Max 7 deluxe thumbnail
Max 7 deluxe
7C+ Boulder at Max 7
Bikini Button thumbnail
Bikini Button
6B+ Boulder at Max 7
Mary-o's Dachl thumbnail
Mary-o's Dachl
6C Boulder at Max 7
Fucking Orange thumbnail
Highball thumbnail
7A Boulder at Loco en el Coco
Project thumbnail
? Boulder at Loco en el Coco
Loco en el Coco thumbnail
The Brain Flash thumbnail
Nalle thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Nalle
Schönheitsregen thumbnail
7B Boulder at Nalle
Klötenreibe rechts thumbnail
Die Antwoord thumbnail
Die Antwoord
8A+ Boulder at Die Antwoord
Arrow thumbnail
6B Boulder at Arrow
Slap'n Smash thumbnail
Slap'n Smash right thumbnail
Rotznosn thumbnail
6C Boulder at Rotznosn
Miss Verständnis thumbnail
Mantlequeen Moosburger thumbnail
Überraschungsei thumbnail
7A Boulder at Herr Ruin
Herr Ruin thumbnail
Herr Ruin
7A Boulder at Herr Ruin
Verlängerter thumbnail
7B Boulder at Verlängerer
Warm up thumbnail
Warm up
6A Boulder at Warm up
Edgelane thumbnail
6B Boulder at Edgelane
Coller 6b thumbnail
Coller 6b
6B+ Boulder at Coller 6b
Bouncy Ball thumbnail
Bouncy Ball
8A Boulder at Bouncy ball
Windowlicker light thumbnail
Windowlicker thumbnail
8A Boulder at Aphex Twin
Squarepusher thumbnail
8B Boulder at Aphex Twin
Aphex Twin thumbnail
Aphex Twin
8A Boulder at Aphex Twin
Meikl thumbnail
8A Boulder at Meikl
Meikl right  thumbnail
Meikl right
7C+ Boulder at Meikl
SD de luxe thumbnail
SD de luxe
6B+ Boulder at Tour de Luxe
Tour de Luxe thumbnail
Tour de Luxe
6C+ Boulder at Tour de Luxe
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6B+ Boulder at Bermuda dreieck
Rotznase thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Bermuda dreieck
Bermuda Dreieck thumbnail
So geht's a thumbnail
So geht's a
7A+ Boulder at So geht’s a
Zum Städtele hinaus thumbnail
Blood Sport thumbnail
Blood Sport
7A+ Boulder at Blood Sport
No horse, no rider thumbnail
Green Mile thumbnail
Green Mile
7C Boulder at Green Mile
Rupi und Bono thumbnail
Rupi und Bono
7B+ Boulder at Rupi und Bono
Verfluchtes siebtes Jahr thumbnail
Sein Linker thumbnail
Sein Linker
7B Boulder at Sein Linker
Suck up thumbnail
Suck up
6B Boulder at Suck up
Fuck up thumbnail
Fuck up
6A+ Boulder at Suck up
Los Nano thumbnail
Los Nano
7A Boulder at Los Nano
Los Nano right thumbnail
Los Nano right
7B Boulder at Los Nano
Easy Alex thumbnail
Easy Alex
5+ Boulder at Easy Alex
Easy Bella thumbnail
Easy Bella
5+ Boulder at Easy Bella
Easy thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Fat Lady
SD thumbnail
7C Boulder at Fat Lady
Fat Lady thumbnail
Fat Lady
8A Boulder at Fat Lady
Old man dying thumbnail
Old man walking thumbnail
Easy 1 thumbnail
Easy 1
6B Boulder at Super
Easy 2 thumbnail
Easy 2
6B Boulder at Super
Easy 3 thumbnail
Easy 3
6B Boulder at Super
Super thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Super
Auf die Fresse fertig los thumbnail
Contergan thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Contergan
Hebsch oan hebsch alle thumbnail
Team Motivation thumbnail
Grinseglatzekatze thumbnail
Lustmolch thumbnail
6C Boulder at Lustmolch
Mario thumbnail
6B Boulder at Test piece
Test Piece thumbnail
Test Piece
7A Boulder at Test piece
Halt den Spalt thumbnail
Brauner Streif thumbnail
Lucky thumbnail
6A Boulder at Lucky
Leicht thumbnail
6A Boulder at Lucky
Die Spinne thumbnail
Die Spinne
6C Boulder at Die Spinne
Smeagol thumbnail
8A+ Boulder at Smeagol
Free falling left thumbnail
Free falling left
7C Boulder at Morla
Free falling thumbnail
Free falling
7C Boulder at Morla
Morla sit thumbnail
Morla sit
8B Boulder at Morla
Morla direkt thumbnail
Morla direkt
8A+ Boulder at Morla
Morla thumbnail
8A Boulder at Morla
Cliffhanger thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Morla
Bell thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Bell
Fuchur thumbnail
8A Boulder at Fuchur
Drachentöter thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Fuchur
Energybase thumbnail
8A Boulder at Fuchur
Mandoline Man thumbnail
Mandoline Man
7C+ Boulder at Fuchur
Mandoline Man stand thumbnail
Mandoline Man stand
7A Boulder at Fuchur
So geht's a stand thumbnail
Braune Unterhose thumbnail
Braune Unterhose
6C Boulder at Dark dog
Dark Dog thumbnail
Dark Dog
7C+ Boulder at Dark dog
The restless mind thumbnail
The restless mind
8B Boulder at Dark dog
Kante thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Dark dog
SD Mitte thumbnail
SD Mitte
6B+ Boulder at Dark dog
No Name thumbnail
No Name
6C Boulder at Horni Korni
Horni Korni thumbnail
Horni Korni
7B Boulder at Horni Korni
Easy  thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Keine Linie
Keine Linie thumbnail
Keine Linie
7C Boulder at Keine Linie
Rau thumbnail
6B Boulder at Rau
Golden Roof thumbnail
Golden Roof
8A Boulder at Golden roof
2 M thumbnail
2 M
6B Boulder at Golden roof
The roof is on fire thumbnail
Hell fire thumbnail
Hell fire
8A Boulder at Hellfire
Goldschürfer thumbnail
7B Boulder at Hellfire
Castel Bianco thumbnail
Castel Bianco
7B+ Boulder at Bianco
Hupfn' und halten thumbnail
Hupfn' und halten
7C Boulder at Balu
Balu thumbnail
7A Boulder at Balu
Jürg von Känel Traverse thumbnail
No Name thumbnail
True Romance thumbnail
True Romance
7A+ Boulder at True Romance
True Romance SD thumbnail
Wildwechsel thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Wildwechsel
Lehrbeitl thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Lehrbeitl
Wing it thumbnail
Wing it
6A Boulder at Der Leichte
Trüffelschweindl thumbnail
Fire with Fire thumbnail
Russian Blood thumbnail
Russian Blood
7C+ Boulder at Fire with fire