
Yearly top 10 averages
8A 0 0 0
7C+ 2 0 2
7C 2 0 2
7B+ 5 0 5
7B 8 0 8
7A+ 7 0 7
7A 4 0 4
6C+ 11 0 11
6C 1 0 1
6B+ 3 1 2
6B 0 0 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
The boardlord got bored
7A Boulder at Power Station North
7a Power Station North Boulder 2024-01-02
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Power Station North
7a+ (7b) Power Station North Boulder 2024-01-02
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Central Park
Board-style boulder problem with a powerful start. The post-reset lowers the difficulty of the start from potentially single-move V10 to V7/+ move. Technical top-out, if done in the intended way.
7b+ (7c) Central Park Boulder 2023-12-27
Red point
Red point
Sad hippo
7B+ Boulder at Power Station North
The lie-down start can be frustrating if you are tall, but if you can live with that, it's a great learning opportunity. The bottom half, on its own, already represents the difficulty of the climb. The lower portion requires massive lower body tension, with the start move being very unique; you have to make a C-shaped detour to the crimp and you have to get it real good; otherwise, it could easily lead to dry firing later when shooting for the jug.
7b+ Power Station North Boulder 2023-12-24
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Central Park
By far, the only boulder in Zoo featuring the intended inside flag move. Despite the boulder being a face climb, the terrain is skewed at 25 degrees, forcing a repetitive high foot, shoulder lock-off movement pattern, which is beautiful. In terms of difficulty, I found it to be harder than other face climbs in the same realm: Eye of Cyclops (7B) and Chopstick (7B/+).
7b+ (7b) Central Park Boulder 2023-12-17
Red point
Red point
Nic's Cave
7B Boulder at Power Station North
Gotta be top 5 prettiest lines in the Zoo! The climb requires massive body tension at the bottom, with an interesting “in and out” sequence. Topping out can be heartbreaking if you come out of the bottom feeling gassed.
7b Power Station North Boulder 2023-12-09
Red point
Red point
First Blood
7A+ Boulder at Power Station North
One of the best problem in terms of movement quality. It might be the only climb here featuring hip adductor movement. In terms of difficulty, it feels harder than the 'Test of Pleasure' and is on par with other climbs graded 7b/+ in the PSN sector
7b+ (7a+) Power Station North Boulder 2023-12-09
Red point
Red point
Peg leg
7A+ Boulder at Power Station North
Post-break send. The crucial far-right foot has been broken, making the crux a grade harder, in my opinion.
7b+ (7a+) Power Station North Boulder 2023-11-12
Red point
Red point
Z23-7 Landing Levias
7C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
7c (7c+) Zen Garden Boulder 2023-02-16
Red point
Red point
Z25-8 Ray of Light
6C Boulder at Zen Garden
6c Zen Garden Boulder 2023-02-03
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Central Park
7c (7b+) Central Park Boulder 2023-01-29
Red point
Red point
Z21-7 The Holy Wash
7A Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ (7a) Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-23
Red point
Red point
Z21-16 Religion
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-23
Red point
Red point
Z21-15 Path to Religion
7A+ Boulder at Zen Garden
7a+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-23
Red point
Red point
Z14-15 The Horizon
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
7a+ (6c+) Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-23
Red point
Red point
Z14-14 Heart of the Beast
7A+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ (7a+) Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-23
Red point
Red point
Z24-17 Musty Stick Biscuits
7A+ Boulder at Zen Garden
7a+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-23
Red point
Red point
Z21-2 Peel Off
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-18
Red point
Red point
Z20-1 The Beginning
6C+ Boulder at Zen Garden
6c+ Zen Garden Boulder 2023-01-18
Red point
Red point
Deep blue sea right
7A Boulder at Power Station North
6c+ (7a) Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-31
Red point
Red point
Petite Papillon Brun
7A Boulder at Power Station North
6c+ (7a) Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-31
Red point
Red point
Cpt Hook doesn't Cook
6C+ Boulder at Power Station North
6c+ Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-31
Red point
Red point
Malibu stacey
7B+ Boulder at Power Station North
7b (7b+) Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-31
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2022-12-27
Butterfly Kiss
7C+ Boulder at Power Station North
7c+ Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-25
Red point
Red point
Z23-10 Navy SEALs
7B Boulder at Zen Garden
7b Zen Garden Boulder 2022-12-10
Red point
Red point
CP63-1 Ant rider
7B Boulder at Central Park
7b Central Park Boulder 2022-12-10
Red point
Red point
CP30-5 JACK and ROSE
7B Boulder at Central Park
7b Central Park Boulder 2022-12-10
Red point
Red point
Test of Pleasure
7B Boulder at Power Station North
7b Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-10
Red point
Red point
Shark bait
7B Boulder at Power Station North
7b+ (7b) Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-10
Red point
Red point
Happy hippo
7B+ Boulder at Power Station North
7b+ Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-10
Red point
Red point
Woodpecker lips
7B Boulder at Power Station North
7b+ (7b) Power Station North Boulder 2022-12-10
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Central Park
7b (7b+) Central Park Boulder 2022-12-09
Red point
Red point
Z23-5 Kensho
7C Boulder at Zen Garden
7c Zen Garden Boulder 2022-01-04
Red point
Red point
Ant Riders sit
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2021-12-10
Red point
Red point
Sans Diff
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2021-12-10
Red point
Red point
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2021-12-10
Red point
Red point
CP54-5 Oh honey
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2021-12-09
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2021-11-09
Red point
Red point
White Lichen
6C+ Boulder at Power Station North
6b+ (6c+) Power Station North Boulder 2021-10-28
Red point
Red point
CP23-1 Pick of the week
6C+ Boulder at Central Park
6c+ Central Park Boulder 2020-12-10
Red point
Red point
CP20-1 Sabadilla left
6B+ Boulder at Central Park
6b+ Central Park Boulder 2020-12-10
Red point
Red point
Sun Traverse
7A+ Boulder at Power Station South
It's named Ninjas in Pajamas!
7a+ Power Station South Boulder 2019-04-09
Red point
Red point