
Yearly top 10 averages
8c 0 0 0 0 0
8b+ 3 0 0 3 0
8b 11 0 0 11 0
8a+ 6 0 0 6 0
8a 17 1 0 16 0
7c+ 8 0 1 7 0
7c 27 7 4 16 0
7b+ 13 8 1 4 0
7b 23 9 1 13 0
7a+ 17 9 3 5 0
7a 32 13 8 10 1
6c+ 19 9 5 4 1
6c 29 10 9 7 3
6b+ 20 16 0 4 0
6b 14 9 4 1 0
6a+ 18 7 4 4 3
6a 24 19 1 3 1
5+ 9 3 0 2 4
5 5 2 1 0 2
4+ 2 0 0 0 2
4 5 2 0 0 3
3+ 1 0 0 1 0
3 0 0 0 0 0
Ascent date
Ascent type
Lättare klättring upp till ett tak med ett mindre crux till den hylla där man kan toppa. Även här går det att toppa ur, men något svårare än ”Sprick-partiet”.
6c Gullmarn - Bornö DWS DWS 2022-09-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
En mindre boulder precis ovanför ytan, sedan upp i ett lättare parti. Går att toppa ur men det får va ett äventyr för en annan gång.
6c+ Gullmarn - Bornö DWS DWS 2022-09-11
Red point
Red point
Voodo Lågstart
7B+ Boulder at Utby Boulder
7B+ Utby Boulder Boulder 2022-03-19
Red point
Red point
Le tic tac
7A Boulder at Tolered
Värd att klättra!
7A Tolered Boulder 2022-03-09
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Tolered
Ett trevligt problem.
7C Tolered Boulder 2022-03-09
Red point
Red point
Livet är en fest
7C+ Boulder at Tolered
Efter en del krångel så hittade jag plötsligt ett ’bra’ ställe för vänster ringfinger i start sloopern som löste de för mig. Mantlingen var av de ograciösa o mycket desperata slaget och lyckades med nöd o näppe kravla mig upp.
7C+ Tolered Boulder 2022-03-09
Red point
Red point
8b Sport at Granitgrottan
Personally I prefer this one over Yatzy Analyse, more cruxy of course but cool crux.
8b Granitgrottan Sport 2021-08-29
Red point
Red point
Död åt propellertjuven
7B Boulder at Saltö naturreservat
Cool linje med coola grepp, tog någon sesh i värmen innan allt föll på plats. Blev någon halvful hukstart, den med god moral kan säkert starta längre ner
7B Saltö naturreservat Boulder 2021-07-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
En kritpåse i sälskinn
7A Boulder at Saltö naturreservat
Svårt o sätta grad, någon fin 7a, svåra för mig var att ta mig rakt upp efter travers, fick till någon cool tummgrej som gjorde skicket till jugg möjligt
7A Saltö naturreservat Boulder 2021-07-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
8b+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Came a bit as a suprise. Steep and powerful climbing with techy kneebars. I tried to learn from kneebar-god aka Tobias but could not replicate his beta, however, I found another way to tackle the very cool crux. Used kneepads! Might be 8b.
8b (8b+) Granitgrottan Sport 2021-06-15
Red point
Red point
Wild Invasion in the Viking Land
8b Sport at Viks Kile
Today it went down in the rain, a nice fight and close to falling off on the damp topout. The send felt close last year but couldn’t manage to stick it all together. A cool boulder problem on crimps that links up into ”30-åriga kriget” where you just got to keep it together.
8b Viks Kile Sport 2021-05-21
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Lexby
Second go, tried it a long time ago and today I did it when putting up the draws. Cool route, climbs well. Classix
7c+ Lexby Sport 2021-05-20
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Lexby
Nice slightly overhanging climbing but on quite chossy and sharp rock.
7c Lexby Sport 2021-05-19
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Seglora
Nice obvious line!
7c Seglora Sport 2021-05-02
8b Sport at Hyltebergen
Chossy but kinda nice route. Start crux on crimps into some layback. Also nice to be a part of the club :P
8b Hyltebergen Sport 2021-04-23
Red point
Red point
Drömmen om Cîbola
8b Sport at Majoreberget
Nice easy climbing to kneebar rest, then cool, crimpy and sharp crux. Went straight up instead of using the grip(s) to the right.
8b Majoreberget Sport 2021-04-16
Red point
Red point
Eddie would go
7A+ Boulder at Hönö
ganska vass
7A+ Hönö Boulder 2021-04-10
Red point
Red point
Mr Bricolage ss
7A Boulder at Hönö
7A Hönö Boulder 2021-04-10
Red point
Red point
End of all things
7B Boulder at Brappersberget - Boulder
Trevlig, för mig kändes det lättare
7A+ (7B) Brappersberget - Boulder Boulder 2021-04-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Brappersberget - Boulder
7A Brappersberget - Boulder Boulder 2021-04-08
? rail ?
6C+ Boulder at Brappersberget - Boulder
6C+ Brappersberget - Boulder Boulder 2021-04-08
Red point
Red point
Jorden runt i en kundvagn
7C Boulder at Brappersberget - Boulder
Rätt snäll men fin, kan passa mig
7C Brappersberget - Boulder Boulder 2021-04-08
Red point
Red point
Även dalahästar har känslor
7B Boulder at Häller boulder
7B Häller boulder Boulder 2021-04-08
Red point
Red point
Inte illa pinkat av en trähäst
7B Boulder at Häller boulder
7B Häller boulder Boulder 2021-04-08
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
7A Häller boulder Boulder 2021-04-07
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Häller boulder
7A Häller boulder Boulder 2021-04-07
Red point
Red point
Cuerpo de hombre
7C Boulder at Häller boulder
7C Häller boulder Boulder 2021-04-07
Red point
Red point
De fördömdas stad
8a+ Sport at Majoreberget
Nice sustained route, took me a lot of tries but today it felt like a walk in the park 🐴
8a+ Majoreberget Sport 2021-04-04
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Solvik
Nice bouldery route och crimps, I am coming back for Eddie the monster!
8a Solvik Sport 2021-03-14
Red point
Red point
8b+ Sport at Edens lustgård
Basically two crimpy boulderproblems stacked upon each other seperated by a pretty good rest. 8b/+
8b+ Edens lustgård Sport 2020-12-25
Red point
Red point
All Hell Breaks Loose
8b Sport at Svanvik
Boulder on rope. 6c climbing into kneebar rest and then some 7b ish boulderproblem with a lot of solutions, therefore it is hard to set an accurate grade 8a+/8b. Pretty nice. Changed my beta multiple times. Used kneepad.
8b Svanvik Sport 2020-10-13
Red point
Red point
Goofhead variant
7C Boulder at Marstrand
Nice jammin
7C Marstrand Boulder 2020-09-27
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Fruberget
Used kneepads which kind of felt like cheating
7B (7B+) Fruberget Boulder 2020-09-26
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Fruberget
7B+ (7C) Fruberget Boulder 2020-09-26
Red point
Red point
Soul Fly (Stand)
7C Boulder at Fruberget
Kneelocks 4 the win, no kneepads though.
7B+ (7C) Fruberget Boulder 2020-09-26
Red point
Red point
8b+ Sport at Granitgrottan
Acrobatic climbing in a steep roof. A lot of good kneebars (I used kneepads). Some nice powerscreams made the send. Would absolutely recommend! Felt like 8b/+
8b+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-09-22
Red point
Red point
The great blondino
7c Sport at Niemisel
Second go, slippery onsight. Beautiful!
7c Niemisel Sport 2020-08-20
Red point
Red point
Rage against the machine
8a Sport at Niemisel
Sauna and some spicy food helped me to recover for one last go which ended well. 4 tries. Lost my feet on the crux but somehow I kept it together.
8a Niemisel Sport 2020-08-20
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Niemisel
I liked the crux but my body felt super tired. 3rd go.
8a Niemisel Sport 2020-08-19
Red point
Red point
A day in life
8b Sport at Niemisel
One of the best routes I have climbed. Did it on the 5th try of the day. Super desperate with huge chicken wings in the end.
8b Niemisel Sport 2020-08-18
Red point
Red point
Air Conquer SS
7B+ Boulder at Bergafjärden
7B+ Bergafjärden Boulder 2020-08-13
Red point
Red point
Space Odyssey
6C Boulder at Sörfjärden
6B (6C) Sörfjärden Boulder 2020-08-12
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Sörfjärden
7B Sörfjärden Boulder 2020-08-12
Red point
Red point
Tree Tornado
6C Boulder at Sörfjärden
6B (6C) Sörfjärden Boulder 2020-08-12
Red point
Red point
Font Freak
6C+ Boulder at Juniskär
6C (6C+) Juniskär Boulder 2020-08-11
Primal scream
7B Boulder at Juniskär
7A+ (7B) Juniskär Boulder 2020-08-11
Red point
Red point
Ultimate Fire deep down in the big cave and then out to the bluest of blue skies
7B Boulder at Juniskär
7A (7B) Juniskär Boulder 2020-08-11
Red point
Red point
Ultimate Fire deep down in the big cave
7A+ Boulder at Juniskär
6C+ (7A+) Juniskär Boulder 2020-08-11
Red point
Red point
Fire on the roof
7A Boulder at Juniskär
6C (7A) Juniskär Boulder 2020-08-11
7C Boulder at Juniskär
7C Juniskär Boulder 2020-08-11
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Sörfjärden
6B+ Sörfjärden Boulder 2020-08-05
Red point
Red point
Fire and Rain
6B+ Boulder at Juniskär
6B+ Juniskär Boulder 2020-08-04
Red point
Red point
Död åt de öringätande sälarna
7A+ Boulder at Saltö naturreservat
Tog några försök att få till flyttet till slotten från start, svårt o sätta grad, 7a/b
7B (7A+) Saltö naturreservat Boulder 2020-07-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
8a+ Sport at Gunnilse
Cruxy crux. Took quite some energy to find a beta that worked. Turned out pretty cool. Quite hard to be 8a, might be a plus to the grade.
8a (8a+) Gunnilse Sport 2020-07-10
Red point
Red point
I Feel Moody
8a Sport at Ulvåsen
Barely got the undercling catch. Nice cruxy sequence.
8a Ulvåsen Sport 2020-07-09
Red point
Red point
8a+ Sport at Ulvåsen
3rd go, a undercling crux with some interesting movement, coooool 8) Underrated sector!
8a+ Ulvåsen Sport 2020-07-02
Red point
Red point
Pippi Pelikan
8a+ Sport at Utby
Second go. Didn't feel like 8b to me, more like 8a/+, might suit me very good or I went some other way. 12 hard moves. Good conditions to be July.
8a (8a+) Utby Sport 2020-07-02
Red point
Red point
Yatsy analyse
8a Sport at Granitgrottan
Such a nice route. Another must-do in Granitgrottan. Sent it during horrible conditions, 27 °C and sun. Cool crux.
8a Granitgrottan Sport 2020-07-01
Red point
Red point
Mad Rock
8a Sport at Granitgrottan
Really nice steep route, a must do in Granitgrottan!
8a Granitgrottan Sport 2020-07-01
Red point
Red point
Nicke Nyfiken
7c Sport at Granitgrottan
Fin linje men rätt kruxig, i brist på power för annat gav jag den ett sämre flash försök men satte den på andra.
7c Granitgrottan Sport 2020-07-01
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Kärna
Overhanging slab climbing, cruxy.
7c Kärna Sport 2020-05-30
Red point
Red point
It ain’t over until the fat lady sings
7c+ Sport at Kärna
Second go, pretty pumpy.
7c+ Kärna Sport 2020-05-30
Red point
Red point
Arne Næss
7c+ Sport at Kärna
Sustained climbing all the way, kind of nice.
7c+ Kärna Sport 2020-05-30
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Lexby
Classic! Tricky and techinal climbing. Felt quite hard but nice.
8a Lexby Sport 2020-05-22
Red point
Red point
7a Sport at Utby
Nice view!
7a Utby Sport 2020-05-22
7c Sport at Utby
After the send of Sunjata I did a quite desperate send of Cassiopeia. Crimpy and techinal. cooooool 8)
7c Utby Sport 2020-05-22
Sunjata Keita
8b Sport at Utby
Amazing route, one of the best I have ever climbed. Techinal vertical climbing on small holds. I was told 2 holds have been broken in the middle part which creates somewhat of a reachy move. Hardest route I have done so far, I feel like it is 8b. Nice!
8b Utby Sport 2020-05-22
Red point
Red point
Los veteranos
8a Sport at Chulilla
8a Chulilla Sport 2020-05-22
Red point
Red point
7b+ Sport at Majoreberget
7b+ Majoreberget Sport 2020-05-16
Ikea senior
7a+ Sport at Majoreberget
7a+ Majoreberget Sport 2020-05-16
8a+ Sport at Majoreberget
Such an aesthetic line, nice and pumpy with a cool end. Second go, missed the flash. 8a/+, either hard 8a or qutie easy 8a+. A friend of mine told me that one of the holds on the upper crux had gotten worse so that is why I put it as 8a+.
8a+ Majoreberget Sport 2020-05-16
Red point
Red point
En liten blygsam affär
7b Sport at Majoreberget
Beautiful line!
7b Majoreberget Sport 2020-05-16
Creuzfeldt-Jacobs syndrom
8a+ Sport at Viks Kile
A nice line with a cool crux. 8a+ is probably more accurate though. I recommend.
8a+ Viks Kile Sport 2020-04-26
Red point
Red point
7c Sport at Korpaberget
Nice steep and straightforward climbing.
7c Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-23
Cirkus Scott
8a Sport at Korpaberget
Pretty cool one! It seems like it is not so well-climbed however, a lot of lichens on the top part. Did the cruxy part with a swing, beta video coming soon.
8a Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-23
Red point
Red point
Super Mario
7c Sport at Korpaberget
7c Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-21
Kejsarens nya kläder
7c+ Sport at Korpaberget
8a (7c+) Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-21
8a Sport at Korpaberget
Cool line! Desperado in the end with the 2 razorblades. I highly recommend this one!
8a Korpaberget Sport 2020-04-21
Red point
Red point
Sagan om ringen
8b Sport at Svanvik
Second go! I am not sure about 8b, felt more like 8a/+ for me, but it might be the style.
8a+ (8b) Svanvik Sport 2020-04-13
Red point
Red point
Jag är gud
7b Sport at Svanvik
Poor/Mainly chipped Intressanta grepp
7b Svanvik Sport 2020-04-08
7c Sport at Svanvik
7c Svanvik Sport 2020-04-08
Red point
Red point
Jesus Christ Superstar
8b Sport at Svanvik
Coool crux! Didn't use knee pads.
8b Svanvik Sport 2020-04-08
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Töllsjö
8a Töllsjö Sport 2020-02-25
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Hyltebergen
8a Hyltebergen Sport 2020-02-25
Red point
Red point
7c+ Sport at Granitgrottan
7c+ Granitgrottan Sport 2020-02-25
Red point
Red point
Moon safari
7c Sport at Chulilla
7c Chulilla Sport 2020-02-16
Super Zeb
7c Sport at Chulilla
7c Chulilla Sport 2020-02-16
El bufa
8a Sport at Chulilla
Maybe 7c+?
8a Chulilla Sport 2020-02-16
La mala
8b Sport at Chulilla
8b Chulilla Sport 2020-02-16
Red point
Red point
La eterna juventud
8b Sport at Chulilla
Close on the flash! Second go. Nice route, pumpy send putting up all the qd's, not 8b though. A bit of a cruxy start into 30 metres of endurance climbing.
8a+ (8b) Chulilla Sport 2020-02-16
Red point
Red point
Banana split
8a Sport at Harkaberget
8a+ (8a) Harkaberget Sport 2016-07-23
Red point
Red point
8a Sport at Viks Kile
8a Viks Kile Sport 2016-07-19
Red point
Red point
6a Sport at Viks Kile
6a Viks Kile Sport 2016-07-18
30-åriga kriget
7c+ Sport at Viks Kile
7c+ Viks Kile Sport 2016-07-18
Red point
Red point
Halv bra
6a Sport at Kåhög
6a Kåhög Sport 2016-07-04
6c Sport at Kåhög
6c Kåhög Sport 2016-07-04
Le Débutant
7b Sport at Kåhög
7b Kåhög Sport 2016-07-04
Le 13eme travail d' Hercules
6b+ Sport at Masouri Skyline
6b+ Masouri Skyline Sport 2016-06-10
6c+ Sport at Masouri Skyline
6c+ Masouri Skyline Sport 2016-06-10
6c+ Sport at Masouri Skyline
6c+ Masouri Skyline Sport 2016-06-10