
Yearly top 10 averages
8C+ 0 0 0
8C 1 0 1
8B+ 3 0 3
8B 13 0 13
8A+ 28 2 26
8A 72 12 60
7C+ 41 4 37
7C 42 6 36
7B+ 28 7 21
7B 32 10 22
7A+ 16 5 11
7A 16 3 13
6C+ 7 5 2
6C 1 0 1
6B+ 2 1 1
6B 6 2 4
6A+ 2 1 1
6A 5 3 2
5+ 1 1 0
Route Grade Crag Type Ascent date Ascent type
Blissful pinnacle
8A Boulder at Roadside
8a Roadside Boulder 2024-07-29
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Silvretta
ahh I really should have flashed this boulder!
7c+ (8a) Silvretta Boulder 2016-07-20
Red point
Red point
Zu jung zum sterben / to young to die
6B Boulder at Silvretta
6b Silvretta Boulder 2016-07-20
British Airways
8A Boulder at Silvretta
7c+ (8a) Silvretta Boulder 2016-07-20
Razorblade Junior
8A Boulder at Silvretta
well, it's just sharp, that's all
7c+ (8a) Silvretta Boulder 2016-07-19
8A+ Boulder at Silvretta
really wanted to flash this one. was a big fight. so happy when I had those topout jugs in my hands!
8a+ Silvretta Boulder 2016-07-19
Staub und Schatten
8B+ Boulder at Algund
Epic is over !!!
8b+ Algund Boulder 2016-07-06
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Bebe Wolverine
8A+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
Really happy about this flash! Such a perfect little boulder! Love this place!
8a+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2016-06-17
Purple Is Not A Color
7C+ Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
Best one of the trip! Among the best boulders I've ever done! So much fun!!
7c+ Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2016-06-17
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
Good one! Trying to keep the flash send train going!
7c+ (8a) Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2016-06-17
Unshackled Sit
8A Boulder at Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans
compared to Phobos a little harder! Amazing climb and a perfect end to the Colorado trip! Thx Chad and Isabelle for showing us around in this place! Have to come back for some more of these awesome boulders.
7c+ (8a) Lincoln Lake, Mt. Evans Boulder 2016-06-17
Lost in Space
8A+ Boulder at Stinkbug
Had to come back a second day for this one. Felt hard. Have to improve on those toe hooks. Really good moves though!
8a+ Stinkbug Boulder 2016-06-16
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Chaos Canyon
Really cool one! Happy to have flashed it!
8a Chaos Canyon Boulder 2016-06-16
Tommy's Arete
7B Boulder at Chaos Canyon
7a+ (7b) Chaos Canyon Boulder 2016-06-16
Red point
Red point
Marble Sit-Start
8A Boulder at Chaos Canyon
was a big fight! looks a bit more logical to me than the centaur...
8a Chaos Canyon Boulder 2016-06-16
Green 45 Stand
7C+ Boulder at Chaos Canyon
nice one move!! perfect conditions until the hail storm came! so cool to see Chon doing Jade in just a couple of tries!
7c+ Chaos Canyon Boulder 2016-06-14
6C+ Boulder at Chaos Canyon
so good!! an absolute must do!!
6c (6c+) Chaos Canyon Boulder 2016-06-14
Veritas Sit-Start
8A Boulder at Veritas
Felt so hard!! One of my real antistyle boulders! happy that it went down eventually!
8a Veritas Boulder 2016-06-13
Red point
Red point
Weibliche Intuition
7C Boulder at Schenna
The last time I tried it for quite a while. But I was alone, it rained and it was dark. This time I came back, started trying it with the beta I tried it the last time (which I thought would be the only beta) and then my girlfriend asks me: "why don't you go to that intermediate hold with your right hand? " I was like "hmm, thats quite far and the hold is super bad, but I'll try it". it turned out to work quite well!! Thx for the help Ale :-)
7c Schenna Boulder 2016-03-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Better call Dave
7C Boulder at Pontives
since the boulder comes down on how good your knee bar stays, and since I'm watching "Better call Saul" these days, I found the name quite fitting. to the right of White Mask.
7c Pontives Boulder 2016-03-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
Creativity direct
7C+ Boulder at Pontives
a bit easier than the left exit. 2nd ascent?
7c+ Pontives Boulder 2016-01-08
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Don't fear the shadow
8A+ Boulder at Algund
Start as "Staub und Schatten" and then into "Scared of the shadow". 7B/+ into 7C+/8A.
8a+ Algund Boulder 2016-01-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
The Definition of pressure
7C+ Boulder at Algund
never thought my toe hook would stay on. I think it is a little easier than "Pizza, beer..." so the grade difference might actually be ok...
7c+ Algund Boulder 2016-01-06
Red point
Red point
Bridge over the troubled water
7C+ Boulder at Chironico Schattental
amazing boulder. absolutely love the second part! just step right foot for the long move ;-)
7c+ Chironico Schattental Boulder 2016-01-03
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Chironico Schattental
topout is amazing!
7c Chironico Schattental Boulder 2016-01-03
8A+ Boulder at Chironico Schattental
With the knee pad probably not 8A+. Without the knee pad it wasn't so easy to keep the knee in. awful first campus move. the rest is pretty amazing!!
8a+ Chironico Schattental Boulder 2016-01-03
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Chironico North
7a Chironico North Boulder 2016-01-01
Red point
Red point
Keinfish- kleinfisch
8B Boulder at Chironico South
sooo good!! harder though without knee pad or if you don't reach the crimps with the knee bar in.
8a+ (8b) Chironico South Boulder 2015-12-31
Red point
Red point
Rah plats plats
8A Boulder at Chironico South
fell on the very end on the flash because I couldn't feel anything in my fingers... damn!
8a Chironico South Boulder 2015-12-27
Red point
Red point
6A Boulder at Pontives
really cool wall. first tries on the proj today. damn it's hard!
6a Pontives Boulder 2015-12-18
FA Flash
FA Flash
Shark attack
7B Boulder at Sherwood forest
used the left heel methode... still too weak on toehooks...
7b Sherwood forest Boulder 2015-12-13
Red point
Red point
Robin Hood
8A Boulder at Sherwood forest
nice and proud line. cool little area. the next time I will have to climb the slopy traverses :-)
8a Sherwood forest Boulder 2015-12-13
Red point
Red point
In bocca al lupo
7C+ Boulder at Sherwood forest
wow didn't feel so week in a long time...
7c (7c+) Sherwood forest Boulder 2015-12-13
Red point
Red point
Stiefelriemen Bill
7B Boulder at Sherwood forest
used a totally wrong beta. I must think more about what I do...
7a+ (7b) Sherwood forest Boulder 2015-12-13
Red point
Red point
High hopes
8A Boulder at Algund
Can't believe it. I finally managed to climb this problem. And that after I had a rest of three weeks! Crazy!!so tricky and so tensiony. Should definitely get more attention in Algund!
8a+ (8a) Algund Boulder 2015-11-29
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Spiluck
long first move. cool shield bloc!
7c Spiluck Boulder 2015-10-25
Mulino Bianco
7B+ Boulder at Spiluck
7b+ Spiluck Boulder 2015-10-25
They call me Kaktus
7C+ Boulder at Spiluck
one mover...
7c+ Spiluck Boulder 2015-10-25
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Pontives
Absolute kingline!! Some of the best moves I have done!! The landing is almost finished. Can't wait to start trying the MEGA line! That thing looks so hard but so so good!!
7c+ Pontives Boulder 2015-10-10
FA Red point
FA Red point
White Mask
8A Boulder at Pontives
yes!! building the landing was worth it!! such a special climb. a few tensiony moves with the feet still on the bloc below the roof and then 4 moves without feet. Try to find the white mask on the boulder ;-) 2 more projects on this bloc and one massive one just above this one!! can't wait for better conditions!!
8a Pontives Boulder 2015-08-28
FA Red point
FA Red point
From darkness to sunshine
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
this time from the original start. actually wanted to try rememberance, but after accepting that it is just too f***** hot, I tried this one... the start felt hard...
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2015-08-07
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Magic Wood
It seems like I use to finish off my trips with 7B highballs now :-) awesome spicy line!! without the arete at the start it is way harder though...
7b Magic Wood Boulder 2015-08-07
Red point
Red point
El Vecchio Capa
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
Just to add yet another combination... Dedicated to the one and only Capa!! you'r a true legend!!
8a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2015-08-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
Dungeons and Dragons
7A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
this one should get more attention!! amazing problem!! but please: top it out and don't just drop off!
7b+ (7a+) Magic Wood Boulder 2015-08-06
The Riverbed
8B Boulder at Magic Wood
the second nemesis rig I managed to climb on this trip. I was so desperately close to the flash two years ago and now I finally managed to finish this thing off! soooo happy!!
8b Magic Wood Boulder 2015-08-04
Red point
Red point
One summer in paradise
8B Boulder at Magic Wood
actually only wanted to warm up for practice but then I got stuck on this boulder. Unfortunately I had to stop trying practice pretty soon... next time I'll put the pads in the right places!
8b Magic Wood Boulder 2015-08-03
Red point
Red point
Riders on the Storm
8B Boulder at Magic Wood
perhaps the last problem I wanted to try on this trip. turned out to be the first one I tried :-) I didn't really like the start, eventhough it is really cool to find something like this on rock. second part then is just amazing.
8b Magic Wood Boulder 2015-08-02
Red point
Red point
Double Trouble
7B Boulder at Silvretta
2nd ascent?? the perfect highball!!
7b Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-28
2nd Flash
2nd Flash
Skiroute project
8B Boulder at Silvretta
ahhh should have flashed this one... a real King Line!
8b Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-28
Red point
Red point
Charity Bouldern
8A+ Boulder at Silvretta
I think this one is just as hard as Skiroute projekt. didn't feel a real difference in difficulty of the two upper parts... what I am sure about, is that Skiroute is muuuuch cooler :-)
8b (8a+) Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-28
Red point
Red point
Krieger des Lichts
7C+ Boulder at Silvretta
basically flash but I did the topout before...
7c+ Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-27
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Silvretta
ahhhh damn. burned the flash. I'm so stupid! Felt like a beginner...
7c+ (7c) Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-27
Red point
Red point
More shining
8B Boulder at Silvretta
well I really don't know why I tried this one instead of Memento. Maybe because like this I am super syked to go back and try that jump!
8b Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-27
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Silvretta
maybe should have warmed up a bit before... really happy with the flash though!
8a Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-27
8A Boulder at Silvretta
thx Mauro for all the perfect betas!! you helped me a lot!
8a Silvretta Boulder 2015-07-27
Vaffanculo Variante
8A+ Boulder at Pojen
Actually thought that I did Vaffanculo but then I found out, that the original line starts one meter to the left from where I started. Will come back for the original one ;-)
8a+ Pojen Boulder 2015-07-21
Red point
Red point
for me the perfect climb. really at the end of 3 days climbing but still felt so incredibly good!
8a+ Zemmschlucht and Sitcom area Boulder 2015-07-11
Red point
Red point
Der Mauswanderer
amazing climb but it would be nice if the topouts would be cleaned more properly... or did they only get covered again??
7c Zemmschlucht and Sitcom area Boulder 2015-07-11
Chop Suey
what??? this one felt soooo hard! No way this one and "Der Mauswanderer" are the same grade !
7c+ Zemmschlucht and Sitcom area Boulder 2015-07-11
Red point
Red point
Test peace
7A Boulder at Zillertal
7a Zillertal Boulder 2015-07-09
Dark Dog
7C+ Boulder at Zillergrund
had to try hard for the first move
7c+ Zillergrund Boulder 2015-07-09
7B Boulder at Zillergrund
7b Zillergrund Boulder 2015-07-09
7B Boulder at Zillergrund
just awesome
7b Zillergrund Boulder 2015-07-09
Bouncy Ball
8A Boulder at Zillergrund
what a unique move. I did a kind of double dyno jumping right hand to the rail and left hand from the crimp in the undercling into the proper undercling hold. quite comp style :-) felt really hard though... and risked so much to fell off from the top because my foot slipped on all that moss.
8a Zillergrund Boulder 2015-07-09
Red point
Red point
Wächter des Tales
7C+ Boulder at Raschötz
Wow what a Kingline! It is so good to finally climb on some featured holds! I found so many really good looking blocs but got dissapointed then because the walls were completely blank and holdless. But now Gregor found the gem we have all been looking for!!! Just awesome!!
7c+ Raschötz Boulder 2015-07-06
FA Red point
FA Red point
Fotti la censura
7C+ Boulder at Nudole
Really nice one as well. kinda tensiony climbing... unfortunately it doesn't top out
8a (7c+) Nudole Boulder 2015-07-04
Red point
Red point
La legge del taglione
8A+ Boulder at Nudole
literally love this problem!!! had to wait quite a while to come back and finally finish it off. luckily went down in a few tries this time. did it from the real sit. I mean... why not? you have two quite good holds there so it seems just obvious to me...
8a+ Nudole Boulder 2015-07-04
Red point
Red point
Spigolo dell'anguria
7B+ Boulder at Nudole
COMPLETELY in the sun. the worst thing I could try. In fact it felt at least like 8A...
7b+ Nudole Boulder 2015-07-04
Red point
Red point
Let it snow
8A Boulder at Pontives
I wish I'd some snow... soooo hot. Syked though to get the second ascent of this one. I think I'm done now on this bloc... so much more to do in the forest!
8a Pontives Boulder 2015-06-13
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Fugu tension
7C+ Boulder at Algund
came right up after an extremely tiring 27h trip back home from the states. But the conditions where too good for the usual summer conditions, that I couldn't resist to climb a bit. and to finish this long day off we had an amazing barbeque with a pretty cool team ;-)
7c+ Algund Boulder 2015-06-09
Red point
Red point
The Kind
6C+ Boulder at Emerald Lake
Amazing warm up boulder!
6c+ Emerald Lake Boulder 2015-06-03
The Kind Traverse
8A Boulder at Emerald Lake
definitely should have flashed this one... first harder problem in the RMNP. Love it over here!!
8a Emerald Lake Boulder 2015-06-03
Red point
Red point
Tiger Stripes
6C+ Boulder at Emerald Lake
just ran around and climbed some boulders in my sneakers :-) this one just looked too good not to try it... was challenging though!
7a+ (6c+) Emerald Lake Boulder 2015-06-03
Storm Shadow Sit-Start
8A+ Boulder at Emerald Lake
somehow didn't let go... amazing climb. we had a nice team ascent on this one. 5 ascents within half an hour!
8a+ Emerald Lake Boulder 2015-06-03
Red point
Red point
Mr. Wimpy
7B Boulder at Emerald Lake
good one... even though the real king line on this boulder is "The Kind".
7b Emerald Lake Boulder 2015-06-03
Red point
Red point
Whispers of Wisdom
8A Boulder at Emerald Lake
well... no words!
7c+ (8a) Emerald Lake Boulder 2015-06-03
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Algund
ahh never trust other peoples ticks. They cost me the flash...
7b+ Algund Boulder 2015-04-11
Red point
Red point
Bye bye Buk
7C Boulder at Algund
Well, this one felt hard to me... totally my antistyle, what makes me only happier that I sent it.
7c Algund Boulder 2015-04-11
Red point
Red point
The Broderhood
8A Boulder at Pontives
I really thought this boulder is gonna be shitty and quite easy. But the moves turned out to be amazing and not that easy. Pretty cool addition!!
8a Pontives Boulder 2015-04-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
La Grosse Tarlouze
8C Boulder at Magic Wood
The perfect line toping out "Unendliche Geschichte" without a rope. So unbelievably happy to have done the FA of this amazing climb!!!
8c Magic Wood Boulder 2015-03-31
FA Red point
FA Red point
8B Boulder at Chironico North
I was in this sector so many times, that I start doing connections like this... ah, should rather go for the better lines.
8b Chironico North Boulder 2015-03-12
Red point
Red point
Delusions of Grandeur
8B Boulder at Chironico South
do you know what?the mantle is the best part of the boulder!! such a cool mantle !!! the whole boulder is nice, but the mantle just gives this extra bit!
8a+ (8b) Chironico South Boulder 2015-03-12
Red point
Red point
Worthless everything
7C+ Boulder at Chironico South
some nice moves. was on the way to the lower boulders and I thought I should try it quickly...
7c+ Chironico South Boulder 2015-03-12
Red point
Red point
The arete with the pocket
8A Boulder at Chironico South
good end of the day and good power-endurance training.
8a Chironico South Boulder 2015-03-12
Red point
Red point
Murphy's low
7C+ Boulder at Cresciano
amazing jump!! didn't want to try the sit because I was just too afraid the starting hold breaks...
7c+ Cresciano Boulder 2015-03-11
Red point
Red point
Hannibal Lecter
7B+ Boulder at Cresciano
some classics you just have to do!
7b+ Cresciano Boulder 2015-03-11
Red point
Red point
Extreme Ironing
8A Boulder at Cresciano
was so surpised that everything worked out well. the first move isn't that good but the rest is cool. too hot here in Cresciano.syked for Chironico
8a Cresciano Boulder 2015-03-11
Red point
Red point
Crossing the jungle
7C+ Boulder at Cresciano
cool line. I understand why the original start was here...
8a (7c+) Cresciano Boulder 2015-03-11
Red point
Red point
The Dagger
8B+ Boulder at Cresciano
well, this came surprisingly. I actually wanted to try Dreamtime, but then I decided to warm up a little bit on this one and with Alex' beta and his motivation for this climb, I just had to try it more seriously. And it luckily payed off. This is definitely one of the most unique boulders and now I am happy that I managed to do it (even If it wasn't my plan to do it ).
8b+ Cresciano Boulder 2015-03-09
Red point
Red point
The Poststeig Project
8A+ Boulder at Pontives
Ohhh yes! Finally! I put a lot of effort into this one. I knew immediately that it would feel so good to stick the jump move from the start and I didn't get dissapointed. Such an amazing feeling!! Pure joy! Definitely on the list of the top 3 most amazing boulders!
8a+ Pontives Boulder 2015-02-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
When the wave turns into a tsunami
6C+ Boulder at Pontives
starts as "The wave", traverses right and tops out on "Tsunami"
6c+ Pontives Boulder 2015-02-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Too many options
7B Boulder at Pontives
second ascent. Nice line Lorenzo ;-) slab climbing in it's finest!! climbs really well!
7b Pontives Boulder 2015-02-19
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
So close and yet so far
7C Boulder at Pontives
The "Jump move" of the "Poststeig Project". Tried this move many, many times and today it finally went down. one of the best single moves I have ever done!!!
7c Pontives Boulder 2015-02-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
8A Boulder at Chironico South
long and dynamic moves. cool style actually :-)
7c (8a) Chironico South Boulder 2015-02-16
Red point
Red point
The alphane moon
8A Boulder at Chironico North
amazing problem. came really close to the flash but my fingers were just too wet from the lower part.
8a Chironico North Boulder 2015-02-16
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Chironico South
guidebook says it's 8A+, people say it's 8B, I say it's just amazing!! If there wouldn't have been so much snow I would never have tried this cool line. So I'm even kind of happy that we had such bad conditions...
8b Chironico South Boulder 2015-02-16
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Chironico North
cool to climb. but really easy for 7B...
7b Chironico North Boulder 2015-02-16
Willenberg dach
8A Boulder at Chironico South
well, suprisingly cool :-) a lot of foot work. like this one
8a Chironico South Boulder 2015-02-14
Red point
Red point
Wo der Wildbach rauscht
7C Boulder at Schenna
This slab is kind of weird. I tried it for the first time many years ago not having any chance. A few weeks ago I spontaneously jump on to it again. And I got shot down again. This time I came back to finally complete this thing and all of a sudden it felt just like super easy. I just had colder fingers than the last time and my skin might have been a little better this time. The whole boulder just comes down to how good you hold this one single crimp...
7c Schenna Boulder 2015-01-12
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Schenna
We actually thought that this one is gonna be easier. Had a lot of troubles until I finally managed to top it out. We found yet another mega project just behind this boulder ;-) So syked! Love this place!!
7c+ Schenna Boulder 2015-01-12
Red point
Red point
Blochx adiction
8A Boulder at Chironico North
Definitely the best line on this bloc. climbs also really well!
8a Chironico North Boulder 2015-01-02
Red point
Red point
Pure addiction
8A+ Boulder at Chironico North
climbs actually even better than blochx addiction! got shut down on freak brothers again. damn I just can't do that one...
8a+ Chironico North Boulder 2015-01-02
Red point
Red point
Last Samurai
8A Boulder at Cresciano
This slab has seen quite a few ascents these days :-) But I really had to try hard for it... definitely my hardest slab up to date.
8a Cresciano Boulder 2015-01-01
Red point
Red point
Ange Avec des Cornes
8A+ Boulder at Cresciano
Well it became such a mental game on this one. My skin was so bad that I actually didn't really want to hold that first hold what made it even harder to lift off the ground. But once I started to get angry I just went for it and it wasn't even that hard :-) amazing problem!!!
8a+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-12-30
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Cresciano
Absolutely love this one! Finally I could stick this jump after beeing quite canceless 2 years ago...
7c+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-12-29
Red point
Red point
Dreamtime Stand Start
8A+ Boulder at Cresciano
Always wanted to do this one!!! Such a good problem ! especially with the jump beta ;-)
8a+ Cresciano Boulder 2014-12-28
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Schenna
HElli cleaned it, JOhannes climbed it = HEJO. One more perfect boulder in Schenna. Climbed this one actually already about two years ago, but as Juzi wanted to try it, I decided to try it a little bit with him and so I reclimbed it after some tries =)Still climbs as good as the first time!
8a Schenna Boulder 2014-12-22
Red point
Red point
Panamera Flow
8A Boulder at Zillertal
well, I had a wierd expierence on this bloc. I managed to send this problem on my 3rd attempt. Afterwards I tried Weberknecht, which is supposed to be easier, for 2+ hours and simply couldn't do it?! My shoulder is definitely a big weakness...
8a Zillertal Boulder 2014-11-29
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Ginzling Wald
wow!! came down so easily this time. I tried it briefly some time ago without having any chance. 20 mins this time and it was done... what a surprise!
8b Ginzling Wald Boulder 2014-11-28
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Schenna
cool line which looks easier than it eventually is.
7c+ Schenna Boulder 2014-11-23
Red point
Red point
Probier mol ondersch
7B+ Boulder at Schenna
All of a sudden I found the beta :-)
7b+ Schenna Boulder 2014-11-23
FA Red point
FA Red point
Waiting for the sunset
8A Boulder at Schenna
nice addition. First I wanted to climb the boulder a little bit to the right, which definitely felt like 8B/+, but then Marv found this other beta, which goes up more straight (and is also more logical). With this beta it was still hard, but already way easier than the way I tried it before. I decided to give it this name because the sun is shining right into this wall the whole afternoon, so, if it's not cold enough, you have to wait until the sun sets to start giving it serious tries :-)
8a Schenna Boulder 2014-11-23
FA Red point
FA Red point
Unverhofft kommt oft
7C+ Boulder at Schenna
I guess it's a first ascent from this start. In fact Juzi and I found the boulder and it was completely covered with moss, so we thought it has not been climbed before. We cleaned the amazing looking line a little bit and then I managed to send it after some effort. To be sure if it is a FA or not I called Helli. It turned out that they already climbed the problem many years ago but not from the exactly same start as I did. Anyway it is a shame that the problem got covered with all this moss again and nobody climbed it since then, because it's actually the best line I climbed so far in Schenna (and I already climbed lots of 5 stars lines in this crag)!!
7c+ Schenna Boulder 2014-11-21
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Partenen
this one is also cool. left variant of Free Bird Jam.
8a Partenen Boulder 2014-11-04
Red point
Red point
Free Bird Jam Sit
8A+ Boulder at Partenen
Adds actually only one move, but this move makes the boulder already a bit harder. I think this is the more logical start.
8a+ Partenen Boulder 2014-11-04
Red point
Red point
Free Bird Jam
8A Boulder at Partenen
wow. what a nice line. the long drive was already worth just because of this one :-)
8a Partenen Boulder 2014-11-04
Awfully Deep
8A+ Boulder at Partenen
What an amazing day with Chris!! we crushed the forest =) This one was the last of the day. I actually was not that siked to try it, but fortunately we did. Climbs so much better than it looks! super syked
8a+ Partenen Boulder 2014-11-04
Red point
Red point
Tartaros (Cave Bitch)
8A+ Boulder at Partenen
in the cave =)really cool line. the only thing is that you easily dab somewhere...
8a+ Partenen Boulder 2014-11-04
Red point
Red point
8B Boulder at Pontives
Sit start to "Regentanz". Finally I was able to put this one together! The sit actually adds not so many moves into the stand but the footwork is so complicated that everything together gets quite a bit harder than "Regentanz". Anyway, I'm just happy to finish off with this boulder after all the effort I put into it. On to the next now ;)
8b Pontives Boulder 2014-08-12
FA Red point
FA Red point
Sturo Bock
7B+ Boulder at Gais
Good one. Tried the wet topout first so it's no flash... but anyway, happy to have climbed this one.
7b+ Gais Boulder 2014-08-07
Red point
Red point
Mit Haut und Hoor
7A+ Boulder at Gais
7a+ Gais Boulder 2014-08-07
Kill Bill
8A Boulder at Gais
Third try from the start. came totaly unexpected. in my mind I was already on the way back home, but suddenly everything worked perfectly and I was standing on top. I love these moments when you least expect it and it goes =)
8a Gais Boulder 2014-08-07
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Bergkristall
cool jump from a good crimp with poor feet, to the edge.
7c Bergkristall Boulder 2014-07-20
8A Boulder at Bergkristall
Nice compression boulder. the perfect line. Props to Johannes for the first ascent. Had to change the beta for the crux move. His beta is so hard!
8a Bergkristall Boulder 2014-07-20
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Es gelbe fan Ei
8A+ Boulder at Schenna
such a cool problem! Tall and amazing movements on small crimps. definitely like this style ;-) and I absolutely love this crag. So many good lines that still have to be climbed!
8a+ Schenna Boulder 2014-06-27
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Hot in the city
7C+ Boulder at Schenna
awesome compression line!
7c+ Schenna Boulder 2014-06-09
FA Red point
FA Red point
Il sogno di un uomo ridicolo
One of the best problems ever!! Don't think that I've ever seen such amazing slopers on granite. My sixth comp boulder of this years Melloblocco. Can't wait to come back next year!
8a Val di Mello (Bagni di Masino) Boulder 2014-05-04
Red point
Red point
so long... was actually really lucky on this one =)
8a Val di Mello (Campeggio, Preda Peintada & Campo Sportivo) Boulder 2014-05-04
Il gioco di Nalle
hard one. amazing crimper problem
8a Val di Mello (Zona scivolo) Boulder 2014-05-03
Red point
Red point
Il cappone
Crazy beta. Felt really hard to me so I was even happier as I sent it on my last try =)
8a Val di Mello (Bagni di Masino) Boulder 2014-05-03
Red point
Red point
Green man
7C+ Boulder at Val di Mello (Visido)
nice heel hook, toe hook beta. liked this one ;) first melloblocco comp boulder I managed to climb
7c (7c+) Val di Mello (Visido) Boulder 2014-05-01
Disco Inferno
This one is really long as well...had no idea how to climb the topout but somehow was lucky enough to keep it together.
7c+ Val di Mello (Zona scivolo) Boulder 2014-05-01
Shangai sit
7C+ Boulder at Algund
It basically all comes down to this one crazy shoulder move... this move makes the grade.
7c+ Algund Boulder 2014-02-23
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Cava
first go this year. got so damn close to climb the sit...
8a Cava Boulder 2013-12-30
Red point
Red point
Tasso killer
7C Boulder at Potala
nice climb =) you can climb in this cave even when it is raining havily.
7c Potala Boulder 2013-12-26
Pteranodon Jump
7C+ Boulder at Algund
climbs way better than it looks. crazy little jump.
7c+ Algund Boulder 2013-12-15
Red point
Red point
The opportunist
8A Boulder at Algund
now I can finally be in peace with this boulder. 1 pad on the start, 2 hands on the undercling and no good crimp in the crack... hard one actually. might be the hardest 8a in the forest...
8a Algund Boulder 2013-12-15
Red point
Red point
Gokus Revenge
7B+ Boulder at Algund
weird one...
7c (7b+) Algund Boulder 2013-12-08
Red point
Red point
Im Schatten der Großmeister
8B Boulder at Algund
Didn't expect that I would climb it today. I'm just so happy that I managed to climb this awesome testpiece. This boulder was always kind of my total anti style and this spring I still thought that I will never be able to climb it...
8b Algund Boulder 2013-12-08
Red point
Red point
Ne ha tanta
7B Boulder at Algund
a little harder now after the hold broke...
7b Algund Boulder 2013-11-24
Red point
Red point
The Optant
7B+ Boulder at Algund
The same start as "The Opportunist" and then into "Ne ha tanta". unexpectedly cool to climb =)
7b+ Algund Boulder 2013-11-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
Mother Firestarter
8A Boulder at Zillergrund
Yes. happy about this one. fits my style quite well...
8a Zillergrund Boulder 2013-10-28
7B Boulder at Sundergrund
funny one...
7b Sundergrund Boulder 2013-10-28
Red light District
7C Boulder at Sundergrund
7c??? never... might be the hardest boulder I climbed so far in zillertal...
7c+ (7c) Sundergrund Boulder 2013-10-28
Red point
Red point
Hotel California
7B+ Boulder at Sundergrund
hard one... and long. got pumped =)
7b+ Sundergrund Boulder 2013-10-28
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Sundergrund
the jump on the left of Spirit. amazing one mover.
8a Sundergrund Boulder 2013-10-28
Red point
Red point
Analdin und die Wunderschlampe
8A Boulder at Zillergrund
10 min this time... nice line.
8a Zillergrund Boulder 2013-10-27
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Zillergrund
felt quite hard... was lucky on the topout.
7b+ Zillergrund Boulder 2013-10-27
7B+ Boulder at Zillergrund
easy with the right beta ;)
7b+ Zillergrund Boulder 2013-10-27
8A+ Boulder at Algund
harder than any boulder I climbed so far in Algund. might be low end 8B. nice one anyway. props to Juri for establishing such a rad line.
8b (8a+) Algund Boulder 2013-10-20
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Thor (The king)
7C+ Boulder at Nudole
"Thor" or "The king"??? Whatever... I've barely seen such an amazing line. I fell off on the penutlimate of the many moves on my flash attempt and afterwards I couldn't hold the swing anymore. So I had to find this other crazy beta, which is way harder but at least as cool as the swing-beta.
7c+ Nudole Boulder 2013-08-16
Red point
Red point
You Drive me Crazy
8A Boulder at Nudole
Well... not the best problem I've climbed so far. I guess the project to the right could become the first 9A boulder problem. looks amazing!!!
8a Nudole Boulder 2013-08-16
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Champorcher
feeling so tired...
7b Champorcher Boulder 2013-08-11
Red point
Red point
7A Boulder at Champorcher
7a Champorcher Boulder 2013-08-11
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Champorcher
7a (6b) Champorcher Boulder 2013-08-11
7B+ Boulder at Champorcher
long moves. good to climb though!
7b+ Champorcher Boulder 2013-08-11
7A+ Boulder at Champorcher
too long
7a+ Champorcher Boulder 2013-08-11
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
it was a mistake to try this one
8a (8a+) Magic Wood Boulder 2013-08-05
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
when I started trying this boulder I thought I will never be able to hold the crimp you jump to and all of a sudden I toped the problem out. one move was missing for the sit... next time?!
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2013-08-03
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Magic Wood
7b Magic Wood Boulder 2013-08-03
Free for all
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
right after "Jack's broken heart". nice little cimper problem.
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2013-08-02
Red point
Red point
Swiss Beats
7C+ Boulder at Magic Wood
don't thought that this problem is so cool.
7c+ Magic Wood Boulder 2013-08-02
Red point
Red point
Samurai Tango
7B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
just jump and it's done...
7c (7b+) Magic Wood Boulder 2013-08-02
Jack's broken heart
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
it is such an amazing feeling to come back a year later seeing that everything what caused you troubles the years before feels so easy now. cool campus moves =)
8a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2013-08-02
Red point
Red point
Sofa Surfer
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
Love these moves... I think this boulder is quite condition dependent. I was lucky enough not to have the worst conditions =)
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2013-07-31
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
always wanted to sit on the tree on the top of this boulder =)
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2013-07-30
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
climbed all the way to the top of the bloc so it might be 7C. but please don't do that... you won't get off again!
7c (7b+) Magic Wood Boulder 2013-07-30
Red point
Red point
Dark Sakai
8B Boulder at Magic Wood
what a fight. actually not the best line... tried rememberance a little bit and it feels pretty much possible. *
8b Magic Wood Boulder 2013-07-30
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Pontives
after getting so damn close the last time I managed to climb it today. unfortunately it is a little defined (without the right arete). nonetheless it's amazing to climb. it has kind of everything but mostly it comes down to the delicate foot work (heel hooks, toe hooks, knee bar).
8a Pontives Boulder 2013-07-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
8A Boulder at Pontives
Finally. Spent so much time into cleaning and building a proper landing. Actually way more time than in trying the problem =) Rudi climbed the left exit which might be around 7C+, and I believe that with this exit it might be an easy 8A. The exit itself is not hard but it adds a scare factor. However, IMO this boulder is the best one we have now in Pontives. Unfortunately it is the one which takes you the longest to get to =)
8a Pontives Boulder 2013-07-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C Boulder at Pontives
first move is hard... an then mantle =) actually not the best boulder on this bloc, but it's ok.
7c Pontives Boulder 2013-07-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
Mosbee Tree
7B Boulder at Schenna
nice movements.
7b Schenna Boulder 2013-07-14
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Flotze (Flash Motze)
7A+ Boulder at Schenna
7a+ Schenna Boulder 2013-07-14
Red point
Red point
Rabbit Hole
7B+ Boulder at Nuihaus
low ball... nice to climb though!
7b+ Nuihaus Boulder 2013-07-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Deda mraz
7B+ Boulder at Nuihaus
low start to "2:eppes"
7b+ Nuihaus Boulder 2013-07-13
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Pontives
Nice compression moves. didn't expected to climb it so fast. felt hard though. second hard boulder on this bloc =)
8a Pontives Boulder 2013-07-10
FA Red point
FA Red point
Der Goldene Hook
7C+ Boulder at Schenna
if your heel stays you will probably climb the boulder. otherwise it will be hard...
7c+ Schenna Boulder 2013-06-25
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B Boulder at Schenna
7b Schenna Boulder 2013-06-13
FA Red point
FA Red point
Woods of desolation
7B Boulder at Pontives
This one is for my bro Julian!! amazing climb!
7b Pontives Boulder 2013-06-08
FA Red point
FA Red point
Pizza, beer and 230 HP
8A Boulder at Algund
oh man... I'm climbing like sooooo bad on plastic and feeling so strong on rock. Why?? felt like a 7b today. wasn't even warm yet. don't know what's going on...
8a Algund Boulder 2013-05-26
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Zillertal
sds. hooks and crimpers in its finest. nice end of the short trip to Zillertal. can't wait to come back!
8a Zillertal Boulder 2013-05-20
Red point
Red point
Mandolin Man
7C+ Boulder at Zillertal
Oh man, fell off on the last move on the flash attempt... frustrating, but nevertheless it felt really good to climb this amazing line.
7c+ Zillertal Boulder 2013-05-20
Red point
Red point
Jam Session
8A Boulder at Zillergrund
fell off for the second time within an hour on the last move on the flash attempt. compression moves into a last balancy move. perfect climb!!
8a Zillergrund Boulder 2013-05-20
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Sundergrund
THE classic. unfortunately it was raining almost all day long so we couldn't try that many problems. have to come back ;)
7a+ Sundergrund Boulder 2013-05-19
Red point
Red point
Clockwork orange
7C+ Boulder at Zillertal
wow! what an amazing boulder. I actually just wanted to get warm, but then the moves went down easily and so I managed to climb this awesome climb on my second go from the start.
7c+ Zillertal Boulder 2013-05-01
Red point
Red point
Pressure Drop
8A Boulder at Zillergrund
I really had to fight on this one. Even if the boulder is just about 2 meters high I got pumped. wtf?!?!?!
8a Zillergrund Boulder 2013-05-01
Red point
Red point
Sundance Kid Sit
8A+ Boulder at Ginzling Wald
five star line. one of the biggest fights ever. Thx Ale for all the support, especially for the mental support =)
8a+ Ginzling Wald Boulder 2013-04-30
Red point
Red point
Matthias traverse
7B+ Boulder at Algund
too long, too technical, totally not my style... but interesting to climb though =)
7b+ Algund Boulder 2013-04-14
Red point
Red point
The dark side of the moon
7C Boulder at Algund
I had to try this one far too long to give it 7C... felt actually way harder than "Ramble on"!!
7c+ (7c) Algund Boulder 2013-03-03
Red point
Red point
Scared of the shadow
7C+ Boulder at Algund
Awesome line. perhaps the best movements I climbed in Algund so far =)
7c+ Algund Boulder 2013-03-03
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Cresciano
funny =)
7a+ Cresciano Boulder 2013-01-04
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Cresciano
felt way too hard...
7c (7b+) Cresciano Boulder 2013-01-04
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Chironico South
this thing is soooooo hard!
6b+ Chironico South Boulder 2013-01-03
Red point
Red point
Mit gas
6C+ Boulder at Chironico South
amazing slab boulder!!!
6c+ Chironico South Boulder 2013-01-03
Selection Door
7A Boulder at Chironico South
7a Chironico South Boulder 2013-01-03
Red point
Red point
Les cliques à claques
7C Boulder at Chironico South
the best boulder I've climbed in a long time!!
7c Chironico South Boulder 2013-01-03
Red point
Red point
Le vent nous portera
8A Boulder at Chironico South
not the best boulder in Chironico...
7c+ (8a) Chironico South Boulder 2013-01-03
Red point
Red point
Serre moi fort
8A Boulder at Chironico South
I liked this one =)
8a Chironico South Boulder 2013-01-03
Red point
Red point
Ci Credo o Non CI Credo
7A Boulder at Cresciano
7a Cresciano Boulder 2013-01-02
La Boulette
7B Boulder at Cresciano
I had no chance on "la boule" so I tried this one =)
7b Cresciano Boulder 2013-01-02
Red point
Red point
Re Artù
6A Boulder at Cresciano
not easy... worst climbing day in a while!!
6a Cresciano Boulder 2013-01-02
Red point
Red point
Schwarzes Loch
7A Boulder at Chironico North
it's cool to just play around =)
7a Chironico North Boulder 2012-12-31
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Chironico North
flash if I would not have touched the tree, but come on... 8a???????
7c Chironico North Boulder 2012-12-31
Red point
Red point
Walker on earth
8A Boulder at Chironico North
felt quite hard to me... hate monos! my dream is to climb Big Paw once in my live!
8a Chironico North Boulder 2012-12-31
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Chironico North
with the beta I used this boulder is really cool!
8a Chironico North Boulder 2012-12-31
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Cresciano
hard to get your ass off the ground.
7b+ (7c) Cresciano Boulder 2012-12-30
Red point
Red point
Balu Der Bär
7C Boulder at Cresciano
7b+ (7c) Cresciano Boulder 2012-12-30
Red point
Red point
Vol au Vent
7A Boulder at Cresciano
one of the only boulders I was not able to climb on my last trip =)
7a Cresciano Boulder 2012-12-29
Red point
Red point
La Pioche
7B+ Boulder at Cresciano
strange start.
7b+ Cresciano Boulder 2012-12-29
Red point
Red point
Small valley syndrom
7C Boulder at Algund
definitely worth trying this one...
7c Algund Boulder 2012-12-27
Red point
Red point
Lose yourself
8A Boulder at Pontives
I found this boulder about two years ago and I was immediately sure that it is going to be an amazing one. Some time later I started to try the stand start which already took me way longer than expected. In march than, I managed to climb the stand start and started working on the sit. After some more days working on it, spread over the rest of the year, today I finally managed to finish it off.
8a Pontives Boulder 2012-12-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
Ramble On
7C Boulder at Algund
I climbed this boulder already in 2010, but then, about two years ago, a good firend of mine tried the boulder and one of the key holds broke. I tried the boulder then some time ago but had no chance... until today =) If you are tall enough it might not even be harder than it was before the hold broke, but for smaller people it might be a little harder now...
7c Algund Boulder 2012-12-07
Red point
Red point
The egyptian arete
8A Boulder at Algund
yes! finally! felt hard to me. I tried this problem for the first time about 4 years ago and I thought it is gonna be a quick work but I never managed to climb the topout till a month ago. And then I had to try it still three more times until I was finally standing on the top today =) really cool boulder. definitely one of the best in Algund!
8a Algund Boulder 2012-11-30
Red point
Red point
Woundet Ear
7A Boulder at Algund
climbs better than it looks like. so much to do here in Algund. waiting for the good conditions...
7a Algund Boulder 2012-10-25
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Nuihaus
3 moves but cool ones =) also here the topout has still to be cleaned (scary!!)!
6b Nuihaus Boulder 2012-07-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
Contact high to the jug
7A+ Boulder at Nuihaus
FA after broken hold. crimpy. topout has to be cleaned and then it will be for sure a pretty nice problem =)
7a+ Nuihaus Boulder 2012-07-20
FA Red point
FA Red point
7B+ Boulder at Nuihaus
2nd ascent. looks harder than it actually is. pretty cool to climb though! 7b??
7b+ Nuihaus Boulder 2012-07-20
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
No Liberty
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-13
Red point
Red point
Left Hand of Darkness
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
I was sure that my heel hook doesn't stay up this time but he did. happy about this one. came also close on "Dark Sakai"... next time!
8a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-13
Red point
Red point
From darkness to sunshine
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
started on the jug! climbs much better than it looks like.
7c (8a) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-11
Red point
Red point
Right Hand of Darkness
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
tried the start 3 weeks ago and had no chance to climb it. I was getting desperated because if I would have been able to climb the start there where many different boulders to try... but as I said I had no chance. this time the start felt much easier and i was able to send it on my second go.
7c+ (8a) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-11
Red point
Red point
Apple Crunch
7A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
7a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-08
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Magic Wood
sooooo happy to finally climb this one. tried it last year and had no chance... tried it this year and had no chance, but then I found the right beta =)
7c (7c+) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-08
Red point
Red point
Massive Attack
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
5 min 3 weeks ago... 10 min this time. almost every boulder on the "Bruno bloc" climbed!! but I have some troubles on "Nana Bianca"
8a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-08
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
on my flash attempt I had the final hold already in my hand but than came down because I slightly tuched the crash pad at the start. nice little boulder =)
7b+ (7c) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-07
Red point
Red point
7C+ Boulder at Magic Wood
7c+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-07
Red point
Red point
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
I came close already on my last trip... this time it felt really easy. cooler than expected =)
8a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-07-07
Red point
Red point
Rumpelstielzchen und die 7 Zwerge
7A Boulder at Pontives
I thought it will be easier... hard to get the final arete. 10 meters left of the "project bloc"
7a Pontives Boulder 2012-06-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
Good fun
7B Boulder at Pontives
just awesome. had to fight... I'm feeling super week. need some rest!
7b Pontives Boulder 2012-06-26
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
7A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
2nd go
7a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-24
Red point
Red point
Du cote de Seshuan
7C+ Boulder at Magic Wood
awesome boulder. definitely one of the best in the wood. maybe it's a bit conditions dependent so it might be easier with good conditions. last boulder of this trip... we had to leave with plenty of projects to complete =(
7c+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-24
Red point
Red point
Unendliche Geschichte
8B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
wow! a dream come true! after falling twice on the last hard move just because of a simple foot slip, I managed to climb the whole line. I was just super relieved and super happy holding the final top hold and I still can't believe that I was able to climb this awesome historical line. It wasn't even my goal to try the whole line, but once I did the second part so easily and I knew that I climbed the first part quite fluently last year, I decided to try the whole boulder. And it turned out that it is possible =)
8b+ Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-23
Red point
Red point
Fight club
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
this boulder is just 7c because the possibility is high to touch other blocs! nevertheless it's good fun climbing it!
7c Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-23
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
awesome climb. the start of pura vida and schneasturm has no sense. the most obvious start is where one summer starts.
7c Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-22
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
7b+ (7c) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-22
Red point
Red point
Man of the Cow
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
not sure if we started in the right way... scary topout!
7b+ (7c) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-21
Blown Away
7B Boulder at Magic Wood
this boulder is just so amazing. scary top out =)
7b Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-21
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
came already quite close last year so I knew it was possible. this time we had to find out the right beta again, and then I managed to climb it within half an hour. I was also syked to climb free for all and jacks broken heart but I had no skin anymore. next trip =)
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-21
Red point
Red point
Nothing changes
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
one hard move and pretty much conditions dependent. funny boulder!
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-20
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Magic Wood
the start is hard. beautiful line though.
7a+ (7b) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-19
Grit de Luxe
7B Boulder at Magic Wood
we found a little trick so that it was easier to stand up!
7a+ (7b) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-18
7A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
7a (7a+) Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-17
Unendliche Geschichte 2
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
I had no chance last year and I thought I have no chance this year too, but fortunately my fingers got stronger and it felt quite easy.
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2012-06-17
Red point
Red point
Nimbus 2000
7A Boulder at Dos dei Aser
it's much easier for taller people!
7a Dos dei Aser Boulder 2012-04-30
7C Boulder at La Plana
hard to release your feet.
7c La Plana Boulder 2012-04-29
Red point
Red point
I falchi della notte
7B+ Boulder at La Plana
soft! nice movements!
7c (7b+) La Plana Boulder 2012-04-29
Red point
Red point
The elements of style
7B Boulder at Pontives
hard 7B! this is definitely the best piece of rock we have found up to date in Pontives! three amazing boulders!! amazing compression moves out an almost 90 degrees roof. just perfekt!
7b Pontives Boulder 2012-03-18
FA Red point
FA Red point
Super capitan Knödl
7C Boulder at Algund
low end of 7c! might be a cool boulder, but after having tried the new roof boulders in Pontives yesterday, this boulder don't feel so good anymore.
7c Algund Boulder 2012-03-12
Red point
Red point
Lost illusion
7B+ Boulder at Pontives
finally sent this one. I had to work so long on this line, and then it turned out to be quite easy... but the hard work was definitely worth! super cool line! the lines in Pontives are getting better and better =)
7b+ Pontives Boulder 2012-03-11
FA Red point
FA Red point
Comfortably Numb
7B+ Boulder at Algund
trav. not so cool! way to long for me!
7b+ Algund Boulder 2012-02-27
Red point
Red point
Kirk Windstein
8A Boulder at Cresciano
soft!! unbelievable! I can't realize that I have flashed an 8a!!
8a Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-25
La Grotte des Soupirs
7C+ Boulder at Cresciano
two long moves!
7c+ Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-24
Red point
Red point
Frank's Wild Years
8A+ Boulder at Cresciano
quite fast ascent!
8a (8a+) Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-24
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Cresciano
not my style... too long!!
7c Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-24
Red point
Red point
Vanilla sky
7C Boulder at Chironico North
jump start! funny problem
7b (7c) Chironico North Boulder 2012-02-22
Red point
Red point
Miss Schweiz
8A Boulder at Chironico North
stand start. climbed it with the jump beta. flashed the part from the good crimper!
7c+ (8a) Chironico North Boulder 2012-02-22
Red point
Red point
7B Boulder at Chironico North
amazing arete!!
7b Chironico North Boulder 2012-02-22
Red point
Red point
Harry Spotter
7A Boulder at Cresciano
7a Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-20
Red point
Red point
Voci dalla Cantina
7B Boulder at Cresciano
neither 7b+ nor 7b! one hard move!
7a+ (7b) Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-20
Red point
Red point
Il Partner
7C Boulder at Cresciano
proud line!!
7c Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-20
Red point
Red point
Jungle Book
8A Boulder at Cresciano
first day of our trip! good start =)
8a Cresciano Boulder 2012-02-19
Red point
Red point
The pits
7B Boulder at Potala
awesome boulder but so painful! the second crimper is just so sharp...
7b Potala Boulder 2012-01-07
Red point
Red point
Chiavi del Regno
7B Boulder at Potala
wow felt pretty easy. cool trav. on slopers. there are not many boulders in varazze on slopers =)
7a+ (7b) Potala Boulder 2012-01-06
Toccami e cado
7B Boulder at Potala
last boulder of the day. felt quite hard, perhaps because I had no skin...
7b Potala Boulder 2012-01-06
Red point
Red point
8A Boulder at Potala
strange to climb... sds is next!
7c (8a) Potala Boulder 2012-01-04
Red point
Red point
7A+ Boulder at Potala
cool to climb but definitely not harder than 7b!
7b (7a+) Potala Boulder 2012-01-04
Want You Bad
8A Boulder at Potala
soft for the grade! so cool to climb! amazing compression moves!
7c+ (8a) Potala Boulder 2012-01-03
Red point
Red point
Tragic waste of power
7C+ Boulder at Algund
so unexpected... cool =)
7c+ Algund Boulder 2011-12-27
Red point
Red point
Shake up the Happiness
7A Boulder at Pontives
perfect day, perfect conditions, perfect boulder =)
7a Pontives Boulder 2011-12-24
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C Boulder at Algund
soft for 7c... felt a little easier then profiteroles con panna! cool to climb!
7c Algund Boulder 2011-12-21
Red point
Red point
Variante last minute
7A+ Boulder at Algund
wow... this boulder has not seen so many ascents but nevertheless it's super cool to climb!
7a+ Algund Boulder 2011-11-28
Red point
Red point
Profiteroles con panna
7C Boulder at Algund
this one is definitely a nightmare boulder for me. perhaps because I don't like traverses and even because I had to try it so long, and I hate it to try boulders so long.
7c Algund Boulder 2011-11-28
Red point
Red point
San Pancrachino
7B+ Boulder at Algund
hard move to a pretty far undercling...! so happy to finally climb this one!
7b+ Algund Boulder 2011-11-21
Red point
Red point
Ragletta infinissimo
7C Boulder at Algund
7c Algund Boulder 2011-11-11
Red point
Red point
6C Boulder at Pontives
trav. so long... about 25 moves =)
6c Pontives Boulder 2011-11-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Auf dem Gipfel der Verzweiflung
6B Boulder at Pontives
on the "project block"! a lot of work to brush down everything...
6b Pontives Boulder 2011-10-02
FA Red point
FA Red point
Il viaggio del calciatore
7B+ Boulder at Algund
7b+ Algund Boulder 2011-09-14
Red point
Red point
6B+ Boulder at Pontives
6b+ Pontives Boulder 2011-08-11
Buffalo's back
6A Boulder at Pontives
on the same block as "Brave new world" trav. the block locks like a buffalo and this line goes straight over the back of the buffalo =)
6a Pontives Boulder 2011-07-26
FA Flash
FA Flash
Brave new world
7A+ Boulder at Pontives
compression moves... one of the best in the area!
7a+ Pontives Boulder 2011-07-26
FA Red point
FA Red point
5+ Boulder at Pontives
5+ Pontives Boulder 2011-07-14
Graffity girl
7C Boulder at Pontives
3rd ascent! pretty cool to climb. maybe it's not so easy to find out the best beta.
7c Pontives Boulder 2011-07-13
Red point
Red point
The spy
7A+ Boulder at Pontives
cool to climb. I'm waiting for some repeats.
7a+ Pontives Boulder 2011-07-12
FA Red point
FA Red point
Live Simply
6C+ Boulder at Pontives
just two moves... a friend of mine said it could be a nice 7b... but he failed =) nevertheless it's good fun climbing it!
6c+ Pontives Boulder 2011-07-12
FA Flash
FA Flash
Cèüse 2010
6A+ Boulder at Pontives
6a+ Pontives Boulder 2011-07-06
7B Boulder at Pontives
hard to fight quite a while on this one!
7b Pontives Boulder 2011-06-27
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
soft. compression.
7c+ (7c) Magic Wood Boulder 2011-06-24
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
just one hard move...!
7c Magic Wood Boulder 2011-06-24
Red point
Red point
Jack the chipper
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
easy once you know how to do!
7c Magic Wood Boulder 2011-06-24
Red point
Red point
Unendliche Geschichte 1
8A+ Boulder at Magic Wood
fall two times on the last move...! perfect to climb.
8a+ Magic Wood Boulder 2011-06-22
Red point
Red point
Foxy Lady
8A Boulder at Magic Wood
I jumped!
8a Magic Wood Boulder 2011-06-20
Red point
Red point
Super Nova
7C Boulder at Magic Wood
cool compression line!
7c Magic Wood Boulder 2011-06-20
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Magic Wood
pretty soft.
7b+ Magic Wood Boulder 2011-06-19
7B Boulder at Algund
strange line. strange sector
7b+ (7b) Algund Boulder 2011-04-12
Red point
Red point
Jetzt isch fertig
7A Boulder at Pontives
one of the best in the area =)
7a Pontives Boulder 2011-04-10
Red point
Red point
Homo verticalis
7A Boulder at Pontives
7a Pontives Boulder 2011-04-06
Red point
Red point
7B+ Boulder at Pontives
7b+ Pontives Boulder 2011-04-03
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Gossip girls
7A+ Boulder at Pontives
7a+ Pontives Boulder 2011-03-12
Red point
Red point
La Gaule
7C Boulder at Cuvier Ouest
Wow! this boulder is so perfect. compressionpower!
7c Cuvier Ouest Boulder 2011-03-11
Red point
Red point
7C Boulder at Cul de Chien
Perhaps one of the best boulders I've ever climbed!
7c Cul de Chien Boulder 2011-03-07
Red point
Red point
La Balance sans la prise taillée
7C+ Boulder at Bas Cuvier
We worked so long on this boulder. at the end I climbed it twice more for the movie:
8a (7c+) Bas Cuvier Boulder 2011-03-06
Red point
Red point
It's too late to apologize
7C+ Boulder at Algund
My first 8a =)
8a (7c+) Algund Boulder 2011-01-31
Red point
Red point
Django Reinhardt
7C+ Boulder at Algund
first of this grade =)
7c+ Algund Boulder 2011-01-18
Red point
Red point
Bikini beach
7B+ Boulder at Harem
7b+ Harem Boulder 2011-01-05
Messa Delle Streghe
7C Boulder at Potala
I needed some time to find a good beta!
7b+ (7c) Potala Boulder 2011-01-04
Red point
Red point
Natural Blond
6A+ Boulder at Pontives
6a+ Pontives Boulder 2010-09-12
Red point
Red point
High voltage
6B Boulder at Pontives
6b Pontives Boulder 2010-09-12
Red point
Red point
We love Sasha
7A Boulder at Pontives
cool to climb on small crimpers! quite high...
7a Pontives Boulder 2010-09-02
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
6A Boulder at Pontives
6a Pontives Boulder 2010-08-25
Red point
Red point
6B Boulder at Pontives
6b Pontives Boulder 2010-08-12
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Lo scivolo rincoglionito
7B Boulder at Pontives
strange start
7b Pontives Boulder 2010-07-25
2nd Red point
2nd Red point
Zum Aufwärmen: die Plott
6A Boulder at Pontives
5+ (6a) Pontives Boulder 2010-07-25
FA Flash
FA Flash
Harry Popper
7A Boulder at Pontives
one of the first boulders in Pontives. hard to start.
7a Pontives Boulder 2010-07-25
FA Red point
FA Red point
I believe I can fly
7A+ Boulder at Pontives
strange start...
7a (7a+) Pontives Boulder 2010-07-19
FA Red point
FA Red point
Big Mc
7B Boulder at Pontives
strange boulder. dyno to the lip!
7b Pontives Boulder 2010-07-16
FA Red point
FA Red point
7C Boulder at Citta del Sassi
7c Citta del Sassi Boulder 2010-07-09
Red point
Red point
Geil hoch zwei
6C+ Boulder at Pontives
6c+ Pontives Boulder 2010-06-17
Red point
Red point