No special access issues

This crag is located about 2 km east of "Egloffstein". From Egloffstein" go towards "Affalterthal". Keep following the main road for 630 meters until there's a road to your right with a transformer building. Park here on the left.

Z- Bau/Obi:
Keep going the road to the end until it turns into a hiking trail. You get to a junction very soon within about 150 meters. Take the left road for 80 meters and "Z-Bau" is to your left in the woods. Go further along the road for 200 meters. You get onto a small clearing with a lot of dumping. leave the path to the left and go down the gulley for 40 meters and you get to sector "Obi".

Keep going the road to the end until it turns into a hiking trail. You get to a junction very soon within about 150 meters. Take the right road for 200 meters until you reach the edge of the forest. turn right and go along the edge of the forest for a few meters. Then there's a foot path to your left leading to the already visible sector "Vogelherdwand".


If you know about access issues in this area, please send us an email