Nesevis  thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Auget
Auget thumbnail
5 Boulder at Auget
Rullestolheis thumbnail
5 Boulder at Auget
Lange armer thumbnail
Lange armer
5 Boulder at Auget
Bannan  thumbnail
5 Boulder at Auget
Høl i padden thumbnail
Høl i padden
4+ Boulder at Auget
Rullestolrampe thumbnail
4 Boulder at Auget
Hjørna thumbnail
4 Boulder at Auget
Tunge tak thumbnail
Tunge tak
3+ Boulder at Auget
Take tung thumbnail
Take tung
3+ Boulder at Auget

The area is access sensitive!

The crag is co-owned by different people through "Førde Sameigelag". Access to the area is allowed, but be careful when entering the area in the fall as it is heavily used for deer hunting. Do not obstruct the road in any way when parking. Remember to pay the fee to enter the valley. Info will come shortly but can also be found on the poster by the gate.

Remember to pay the fee when entering the valley. Payment is done through VIPPS to Nordfjord klatreklubb.(Nordfjord klatreklubb is managing the payments and paying it to Førde Sameigelag) The fees are spent on maintaining the road and bridge.