Scarface thumbnail
7B Boulder at Scarface
Raging Bull thumbnail
Raging Bull
7A Boulder at Scarface
Wapiti thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Wapiti
Doobidoo thumbnail
6B+ Boulder at Wapiti
Turkeyslap thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Turkeyslap
Taxi driver thumbnail
Taxi driver
6B+ Boulder at Scarface
Is no good thumbnail
Is no good
6C+ Boulder at Arete
The new fragrance fuck OFF thumbnail
Built to last thumbnail
Built to last
7C Boulder at Roof
Helemasynti thumbnail
5 Boulder at Arete
The new fragrance direct thumbnail
Mind set to motion thumbnail
Mind set to motion
7C+ Boulder at Scarface
Unable to comply thumbnail
Veni, vidi, vici thumbnail
Veni, vidi, vici
8A Boulder at Scarface
My little pony thumbnail
My little pony
6A Boulder at Wapiti
Darkwing duck thumbnail
The green mile thumbnail
The green mile
6B Boulder at Turkeyslap
Little cats steps thumbnail
No topo image available
7A Boulder at Läppen
Va fan som helst thumbnail
Va fan som helst
5 Boulder at Wapiti
O.C.D thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at Wapiti
Catch and kill thumbnail
Catch and kill
8A Boulder at Roof
Lack of vision thumbnail
Lack of vision
7A Boulder at Roof
Granny fanny thumbnail
Granny fanny
7A Boulder at Arete
Lone Wolf thumbnail
Lone Wolf
6B+ Boulder at Turkeyslap
Basically weak thumbnail
Basically weak
7B Boulder at Roof
Les angles d'erreur thumbnail
Reverse traverse thumbnail
L'Aérodynamite light thumbnail
Koala thumbnail
6A+ Boulder at Unable to comply
No topo image available
5 Boulder at Wapiti
Big cats steps thumbnail
Down 'n dirty thumbnail
Down 'n dirty
6B+ Boulder at Turkeyslap
Tallsurfaren thumbnail
4+ Boulder at Turkeyslap
No topo image available
5+ Boulder at Wapiti
No topo image available
5 Boulder at Wapiti
Job 10:21 thumbnail
Job 10:21
7A Boulder at Scarface
Angle de mort thumbnail
Angle de mort
? Boulder at Arete
Lilleskutt thumbnail
6A Boulder at Scarface
Gateway thumbnail
? Boulder at Scarface
Say hello to my little friend thumbnail
Oblivion thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Small roof
XO thumbnail
7C+ Boulder at Small roof
Say hello to my little friend ss thumbnail
Righteous Kill thumbnail
Righteous Kill
7C Boulder at Scarface
Happy feet thumbnail
Happy feet
6A+ Boulder at Small roof
Lack of shoulders thumbnail
Lack of shoulders
7B Boulder at Roof
Pieds et poings liés thumbnail
Metamorphosis thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Scarface
No topo image available
6A Boulder at Small roof
In the mind of Travis Bickle thumbnail
Veni, vidi, vici assis thumbnail
Pieds de canard thumbnail
Pieds et poings liés assis thumbnail
Pony express thumbnail
Pony express
7A+ Boulder at Wapiti
Arete project thumbnail
Arete project
? Boulder at Wapiti
Pro patria  thumbnail
No topo image available
Pony express assis
? Boulder at Wapiti
No topo image available
5+ Boulder at Läppen
Metamorphosis assis thumbnail
TLA thumbnail
7C Boulder at Roof
Build to weak thumbnail
Build to weak
? Boulder at Roof
The new fragrance fuck OFF direct thumbnail
5 kilo + thumbnail
5 kilo +
6C Boulder at Wapiti
Bollen thumbnail
6B Boulder at Small roof
Red segment thumbnail
Red segment
6A Boulder at Wall
Red elephant thumbnail
Red elephant
6A Boulder at Wall
Lack of smartness thumbnail
Lack of smartness
7A Boulder at Roof
Lack of endurance thumbnail
Lack of endurance
7B+ Boulder at Roof
Excitetruck thumbnail
5+ Boulder at Small roof
Puusilmäsyndrooma thumbnail
7B Boulder at Starter
Cross shit thumbnail
Cross shit
7B Boulder at Wapiti
Broken Houdini thumbnail
Broken Houdini
7B+ Boulder at Starter
Ei saa peittää thumbnail
Ei saa peittää
6B+ Boulder at Starter
Tresteg thumbnail
7A+ Boulder at Starter
Mojoman thumbnail
? Boulder at Cave
Spider pig thumbnail
Spider pig
7C Boulder at Cave
Spiderpig ss thumbnail
Spiderpig ss
? Boulder at Cave
Linkup thumbnail
? Boulder at Cave
Superprow thumbnail
? Boulder at Cave
Mojo thumbnail
? Boulder at Cave
Mombasa thumbnail
7A Boulder at Cave
Perps in the vicinity thumbnail
Pro Patria thumbnail
Suspicous minds  thumbnail

The area is access sensitive!

The road to Ängesby boulder area is closed until 15th of June because the road is wet and takes damage by vehicles driving on it. Please respect this and park on the tarmac road and walk the 1,5-2kms during this period.
/Access Luleå Klätterklubb