Ajna thumbnail
8B Boulder at Pokemon
Finalité sans Fin thumbnail
Gospel (direct) thumbnail
Magneton thumbnail
8A Boulder at Pokemon
De la Vie dans l'Art thumbnail
Gospel (sans convention) thumbnail
La Tour d'Ivoire thumbnail
Probablement thumbnail
From Paris With Love thumbnail
Agression Totale thumbnail
COP 21 (droite) thumbnail
COP 21 (droite)
7C Boulder at COP 21
La Grande Caravane thumbnail
La Grande Caravane
7C Boulder at Rotule
Pattes Patrouille thumbnail
Pattes Patrouille
7C Boulder at Pokemon
Rubis sur l'Ongle thumbnail
Pokemon thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Pokemon
Spanish Caravan thumbnail
Spanish Caravan
7B+ Boulder at Rotule
Little Gospel thumbnail
Labarabaçin thumbnail
No Comply thumbnail
No Comply
7B+ Boulder at Le Campagnol
Patrouille thumbnail
7B+ Boulder at Pokemon
COP 21 thumbnail
COP 21
7B Boulder at COP 21
Pare Dessus le Sanglier thumbnail
Châts Man assis thumbnail
Le ressort titan thumbnail
Machine head thumbnail
Machine head
7B Boulder at Machine Head
Humérus Clausus thumbnail
Le Ressort Titan (direct) thumbnail
Ron-Ron thumbnail
7B Boulder at Satie
Le Ressort Titan (super direct) thumbnail
l'Etoile Gauche thumbnail
La Caravane thumbnail
La Ritournelle thumbnail
No topo image available
7A+ Boulder
Spanish Caravan droite thumbnail
With Love thumbnail
With Love
7A+ Boulder at Plats de saison
La Grève des Nains (assis direct) thumbnail
Plats de Saison thumbnail
Opéra Tchéchène thumbnail
Opéra Tchéchène
7A+ Boulder at Dallain
Présomption d'Innocence thumbnail
l'Etoile de Mer thumbnail
Geckogang thumbnail
7A Boulder at La Pare Dessus
Le pare dessus directe thumbnail
Sa Pelle au Logis thumbnail
Le double Jeu-Té (jump start) thumbnail
Le Pare Dessus thumbnail
Stormroc thumbnail
7A Boulder at Stormroc
Ric-Rac thumbnail
Le ressort titan (sans boucle) thumbnail
Phase Finale (sans convention)   7b thumbnail
Neige d'Automne thumbnail
Neige d'Automne
7A Boulder at Pokemon
Multichopps assis thumbnail
La Fissure en Chantier (direct) thumbnail
La Grève des Nains assis thumbnail
Les Mains Pleines thumbnail
Blue #9 assis thumbnail
Un Franc du Kilomètre thumbnail
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Pierre vicieuse thumbnail
Pierre vicieuse
7A Boulder at Cyclope
La fissure en chantier thumbnail
Le Jeu-Té Diagonal ( jump start) thumbnail
Variaspal  thumbnail
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No topo image available
Chien assis
7A Boulder
Terra thumbnail
7A Boulder at Terra
Chat Atterré thumbnail
Chat Échaudé thumbnail
Peter Pan thumbnail
Peter Pan
7A Boulder at Chat eu Juste
En Chantier thumbnail
La Selle Orientale thumbnail
L'Ami Sanglier (du fond) thumbnail
Le Surplomb Lactique thumbnail
Anar'Chic thumbnail
Écaille de Roche thumbnail
La Consolation thumbnail
UHT thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at La Ritournelle
Gorge Profonde thumbnail
Chat eu Juste thumbnail
Chat eu Juste
6C+ Boulder at Chat eu Juste
Chantier sans ma Tos (direct) thumbnail
No topo image available
Le Traverssis
6C Boulder at Tempo Sherpa
Plats de Saison (gauche assis) thumbnail
L'Ami Sanglier (assis) thumbnail
Dallain (Double Dyno) thumbnail
le Mono Doigt (assis) thumbnail
Le Traverssis thumbnail
Le Traverssis
6C Boulder at Tempo Sherpa
Lait Caillé thumbnail
Chahutor thumbnail
6C Boulder at Chat eu Juste
La Coupure thumbnail
Plats de Saison (debout) thumbnail
Pokemon stand thumbnail
Pokemon stand
6C Boulder at Pokemon
No topo image available
La Travassis
6C Boulder
Entre Milly et Deux thumbnail
Mars Attaque thumbnail
Mars Attaque
6C Boulder at Le Campagnol
Chantier sans maTos  thumbnail
Travaux Forcés thumbnail
Gigi (assis) thumbnail
Fanfou (assis) thumbnail
Fanfou (assis)
6B+ Boulder at Dallain
Mr Hyde thumbnail
Mr Hyde
6B+ Boulder at Sa Pelle au Logis
Le Vieux Sanglier thumbnail
Le Campagnol (assis) thumbnail
No topo image available
6B+ Boulder
Gorge aux Châts

The area is access sensitive!

The parking along the road is CLOSED. People parking will be fined. Parking of Canche aux Merciers can be used, the walk is 2.3km (20-25minutes) or parking of the cross St. Jerome (walk 2km, 15-20mins).

Be very discreet! There are people living very close to the boulders.

No shouting, no climbing after dark. If your dog cannot keep quiet, maybe other sectors are better options?

And as per usual, take your carbage with you.