Humérus Clausus thumbnail
La Ritournelle thumbnail
Le Surplomb Lactique thumbnail
UHT thumbnail
6C+ Boulder at La Ritournelle
Lait Caillé thumbnail
Lointain (Blue #26) thumbnail
Yellow #15 thumbnail
Yellow #15
3 Boulder at La Ritournelle
Yellow #15b thumbnail
Gorge aux Châts

The area is access sensitive!

The parking along the road is CLOSED. People parking will be fined. Parking of Canche aux Merciers can be used, the walk is 2.3km (20-25minutes) or parking of the cross St. Jerome (walk 2km, 15-20mins).

Be very discreet! There are people living very close to the boulders.

No shouting, no climbing after dark. If your dog cannot keep quiet, maybe other sectors are better options?

And as per usual, take your carbage with you.